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Topic: «
5 Bugs, 12 suggestions, 3 questions
» on forum:
Beta Testing
Views: 12762
Zack Depp
02/23/2006 07:30:54
Hi Alexey... those are the Bugs/suggestions/questions i found in the last few days usine AWM
[ Bugs ]
1) Minimizing some child windows makes some controls in them drawing weird after restoring; For example: Try to minimize then restore the "Open File" Window of TextPad or NotePad.
2) When Stopping and Starting back Actual Windows Manager (via the menu), we need to focus or move the windows to make the Titlebar buttons appear.
3) Problems with outlook 2003...
- In "All windows > Window Menu", Unchecking all items don't work
- Ghost Mode don't work
- If I minimize outlook 2003, it hides the window but it dosen't make an icon in the tray for it.
* Outlook 2003 already has a TrayIcon but it's really annoying not being able to restore it by a simple click on the tray icon.
4) The tray icon of WordPad (in windows) when minimized is getting weird; it dosen't seem to be the same icon as in the top left corner of the app.
5) Problems with IE...
- In "All windows > Window Menu", Unchecking all items don't work
[ Suggestions ]
1) Add "Show Confiuration Window" in HotKeys.
2) In Options, Remove the OK button... It's doing the same thing than the Apply button! Also, if you press Apply, the OK button get disabled leaving the choice to one option to leave the option: Cancel... Some users might think that the changes are not yet fully applyed. Also, you should put the Apply button before the cancel button.
3) Add a "Enable system tray icon" menu item in the the system tray icon of the AIM app. (so we can easily remove the TrayIcon).
4) In "Excluded Windows", we should be aware that if we move the crosshair, it will change the values of the selected Window. Otherwise, we can overwrite some window setting we made without really knowing it. The only way to cancel the changes made is to restart the config window. Maybe a msgbox saying "Are you sure" might be usefull here.
5) You should prevent a user to apply ghost on the configuration window itself; if a user makes it ghost using a titlebar button and no hotkeys for Ghosting/DeGhosting is enabled, he will have to close the config window using Alt-F4 then re open it.
6) Concerning the "change program priority" in title buttons ... I suggest you should offer to put many button to select the level of priority; Ex: one to set to "Realtime priority" and one to set to "normal priority"... If the user decide to put only one button, keep the same clock icon... but if he chooses to have many; add an exclamation point besides the clock in the title button with a color indicating the priotity; for example: Realtime: Green, Normal: Blue (or yellow), Low: Red...
7) When Ghosting a window; you should offer an option to add transparency. It would be like the transparency option but with Window ClickThrough.
"All Windows > Ghost Window > Always"; Well, this seems a little unstable... All the windows of the config (including Evaluation reminder) are getting weird and not fully drawn.
9) The "Set Ghost" & "Make Transparent" titlebar buttons are not really different one from the other (image). I suggest a grandient transparent window for the Transparency Button OR a ghost instead of a Half transparent window for the Ghost Button.
10) Extended Minimize > Screen edge: The little windows it creates should snap to the edges of the screen. And maybe you should rename "Screen edge" to "floating window".
11) "Title buttons > Shift buttons";
- You should use a spin control so the user could select a value by clicking on arrows instead of entering it manually.
- You should also set a limit to shifting; i don't think it's usefull to shift buttons from 12635176235 position.
- Shifting sould'nt be negative (useless). It should be set to 3 by default (which make the new buttons right beside the 3 system buttons we know). Setting it to 0 would overwrite those 3 buttons. Some power users might like this feature.
12) "Title buttons > Make Transparent"
- Set the "Transparency level" edit box read only; a user could enter 234234100 & save it
- You should set the range from 1% to 99%; 0% makes no différence and 100% makes the window unfocusable!
[ Questions ]
1) In the menu, what is the difference between "Load Actual Windows Manager" and "Start Actual Windows Manager"?
2) What is the 'Extend every window's system menu with "Create/Modify" item' option for?
3) Is this normal that we can use the Alt Key to access the menus of windows in ghost mode? Ghost only applies to mouse clicks?
Alexey Fadeyev
02/26/2006 03:37:48
Hi, Zack.
Glad that you take part in our beta test and you made such a good work. Here are my answers:
1. Well, it's a great one, thanks indeed!
2. It's not a bug really, it's a some kind of side effect depending on internal Windows mechanisms' working. Besides, sometimes buttons appearing happens automatically, without any user actions. We have a little influence on it, unfortunately.
3. The reason is Outlook 2003 has its own Specific rule and, hence, doesn't fall under "All Windows" influence. Refer to it and change it in the way you like.
4. We'll try to find the reason.
5. Explanation is the same as for the bug #3.
1. Will be considered.
2. Actually, it doesn't. Its behavior has pretty clear sense that, unfortunately, differs from standard suggested by MS. "OK" button
changes and
the window, "Cancel" buttons
just closes
the window and "Apply" button
just applies
changes. Simply and clear, right? Hence, just after using "Apply" button, there's nothing to apply, because you haven't changed anything yet, so there should be no other choice than just close the window
until you change something
. Repeating myself, this behavior, whereas sensible and informative, differs from MS standard and, most likely, will be changed to conform this standard (not so sensible, if you ask me
3. Will be considered.
4. We consider our program's user as a reasonable man who understands his actions.
But, possibly, we'll add some kind of option like "Basic mode/Advanced mode", where the first one means confirmations of every user action, and the second one means no.
5. Will be considered.
6. Will be considered, but doesn't have much sense, in my opinion. Do you try to right-click the "Priority" title button to call its context menu? Possibly, we'll add different icons for different priority levels.
7. Do you try to turn on "Transparency add-ins" option named "Ghost"? It's placed at the bottom of "Transparency" property sheet.
8. This option will be removed at all as senseless.
9. We'll necessarily change those icons to make them different.
10. Current working title for this options is "Minimize to desktop".
11. Everything will be done until release, except for negative shifting. It's useful exactly by the reason you mentioned: someone wants to cover standard buttons with ours.
12. Input validation will be restored.
1. Load/Unload commands pair controls AWM presence in memory. Start/Stop allows you to temporarily disable it without closing.
2. If you turn it on, every window's system menu will be extended by "Create Window Rule" item, if there's no Specific rule for this kind of window, or "Modify Window Rule" in other case. It allows you to create/modify appropriate rules automatically. Just try it.
3. Yes, it's the way Windows provides it.
Thanks for your feedback and hope it isn't the last one.
Zack Depp
02/26/2006 10:57:33
Reply on :
10) What about snapping to the edges of the screen?
11) Covering current system title button is a great idea but do you really prefer a range of position for shifting buttons from
[-3 TO X]
instead of
[0 TO X]
(0 beeing the equivalent for current -3)? Oh, by the way I just noticed that if you're in classic window skin mode (like win98), the AWM button are not overlapping the system one correctly using a shifting of -3... system buttons don't seem to be at equivalent distance one from each other.
Alexey Fadeyev
02/27/2006 06:32:29
10) What about snapping to the edges of the screen?
This suggestion is already added to our to-do list, but I can't tell you the exact moment it will be implemented: probably, in 4.0 or in 4.1.
11) Covering current system title button is a great idea but do you really prefer a range of position for shifting buttons from [-3 TO X] instead of [0 TO X] (0 beeing the equivalent for current -3)?
I must confess I don't understand what exactly do you suggest. Currently, zero value for title buttons' shift means that buttons will be positioned next to system ones, and, AFAIK, it doesn't matter what skin do you use. Positive value means how many
AWM should skip
to the left
of the title bar for placing its own ones, and negative value means the opposite (i.e.
to the right
). Please, clarify what shift values did you mean and what exactly do you suggest. Thanks in advance.
Zack Depp
02/27/2006 07:27:30
oh... the skin problem (classic windows skin) is another bug I found... no link with the suggestion...
Concerning the suggestion, I sent you an image to explain more... I forgot to mention tu set the default value of "shift button" to 3... instead of 0...
Alexey Fadeyev
03/05/2006 11:36:55
Well, I suppose I've got your point about buttons' shifting. Of course, we'll consider it while preparing the 4.0 but I won't give any promises. At least, we didn't get any complaints about incorrect or senseless shift values, you're the first.
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