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Topic: «Issues with Windows Thumbnails in taskbar in 6.2 b2 , Transparency and child windows issues » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 5631
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Posts: 51
Joined: 04/07/2010
Posted: 07/27/2010 14:51:53
I recently upgraded to 6.2 b2 from 6.1, and I have three issues with the Window Thumbnails feature:

1.) The first is transparency of the thumbnails.  I don't recall them being transparent in 6.1, but either way, any sort of transparency effect brings my work computer to a crawl as it does not have a good video card and uses lame Intel onboard graphics.  

I would like an option to turn OFF the transparency of the thumbnails.  For now I have to leave them off as the hit to performance is too bad.  

2.) I don't remember it doing this in 6.1, but at least in 6.2 b2, When a window has child windows, and you hover over one of the child windows's button in the taskbar, the Window Thumbnails pop up for ALL associated parent/child windows at once - rather then just the current window you're hovering over the button for.  To clarify, here is a screen shot showing what I mean:
User added an image

I would like an option at least, to only show the preview for the currently hovered window.  Combined with the transparency being on, this makes the feature unusable for me as it takes several seconds to generate the thumbnails and another couple seconds for them to disappear.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for continually upgrading/improving this software!

3.) This is mentioned in another thread here, but I'd like an adjustable delay, before the thumbnail appears so if you don't need to see one you have to wait a moment (200 ms?) before it tries to generate and show it.

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