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Topic: «Taskbar Enhancements , Remember icon arrangement, systray, clock » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 7752
Posts: 90
Joined: 02/28/2006
Posted: 11/10/2009 16:40:21
It's great to have the ability to rearrange the taskbar icons but it would be even better if the order of my taskbar arrangement could be remembered from session to session so that I don't have to keep rearranging them after each reboot.

The ability to rearrange systray icons would be great. There are certain icons that I would like to keep in the upper left corner of the systray such as the mail notification icon, system resource icons, and other icons that I frequently use the context menu of. This would save having to hunt for the icons each time.

The ability to customize the appearance of the clock would be nice such as the font used and the font color and size, the ability to rearrange the order of the clock elements, the ability to add the seconds to the time display, and the ability to change the display of the date (for example: November 11, 2009 or Nov 11, 2009 or 11-Nov-2009).  
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 11/12/2009 10:37:17
Hi Nicholas, it's nice to see you here again! :)

As for keeping the made once taskbar/tray arrangement - yes, we have some ideas on this subject and plan to implement them in the future versions.

As for customizing the clock - could you specify what do you need this for? Or, maybe, you could prioritize the requested features:
  • font customization (BTW, for now the font is taken from the current theme)
  • customizing the order of clock elements
  • the ability to display seconds
  • customizaiton of the date/time format (now it's taken from the "Regional and Language Options")
Posts: 90
Joined: 02/28/2006
Posted: 11/12/2009 16:58:03
Hey Alexey! I didn't think you would remember me. What a great memory you have!

I have of course been using AWM with zero problems (other than those of my own making) but I saw that you had a beta out and thought I would quickly throw in my two cents worth.

It's great to hear that the taskbar/tray enhancements are being considered for future versions.

In terms of the clock/date element of the taskbar. There is a great utility called AlfaClock. If you visit their website, you will  see from the preview of their customization page that the utility allows one to set a different font for the clock (even different from the current system theme font), and customize the look and layout of the clock/date elements. For instance, it allows one to customize the time (to make it 12 or 24 format, include the seconds, use P instead of PM, etc.), include the day of the week (spelled out fully, or shortened to two or three letter such as Mo or Mon for Monday), and customize the date so that one can set the date to display in any number of formats such as 24-11-2009, 11/24/2009, or NOV-24-09 (regardless of what ones Regional/Language Options are set to).

And it allows one to rearrange these elements in the order that one prefers. I expand my taskbar to double its default height (similar to the screenshot on the AlfaClock webpage) so the elements display one line at a time in this order: time, then day of the week, then date; this is the XP default and cannot be modified in any way without a third-party utility. But the AlfaClock utility allows one to rearrange these elements to ones liking. They even have some options to display system resource usage and other bells and whistles that are probably beyond what you would want to get into with AWM. For those using the default taskbar height, all that is displayed is the time, while this customization feature would allow users to change this to display any or all of the above mentioned components in whatever order they prefer on that one line. True, for those with the default taskbar height, these added elements will take up more space on the taskbar but for me it is worth being able to quickly see at a glance what the date or day of the week is.

The AlfaClock utility is just one example of what can be done in terms of customization of the clock/date area of the taskbar but it would be terrific to have some of that functionality built into AWM.

Sorry for the long response. I just wanted to give you a better idea of what I was thinking. I realize that this is going a bit beyond window management but it would still be a really nice feature for users to allow them to customize their entire taskbar. If you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Posts: 36
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posted: 02/11/2011 10:37:00
chgoguy7 wrote:
it would be even better if the order of my taskbar arrangement could be remembered from session to session so that I don't have to keep rearranging them after each reboot
i would love to see this feature in AWM. now i'm obliged to use the utility "taskbar master"; as i found out, this is the only more or less appropriate application for remembering positions of task-bar buttons

but unfortunately "taskbar master" is made the way that buttons all the time "jump": at first they emerge at the end (this is native behaviour for task-bar buttons in windows) and only approximately 1 second later they automatically go to the predefined (by user) position. this "jumping" is appreciably tiresome, i must say

Alexey Fadeyev wrote:
As for keeping the made once taskbar ... arrangement - yes, we have some ideas on this subject and plan to implement them in the future versions
i would like to ask: what is the possibility that you implement this feature in the nearest versions?

in case the feature appears, may i expect that it would behave in a more convenient way, in other words, without "jumping" and with appearing of taskbar buttons already in predefined positions?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/13/2011 22:06:16
Hello Maks,

Thanks for the message.

We plan to implement this feature in one of the nearest versions.

in case the feature appears, may i expect that it would behave in a more convenient way, in other words, without "jumping" and with appearing of taskbar buttons already in predefined positions?
I'm afraid that such behavior can not be changed.

Best regards.

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