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Topic: «Support "" function for MS PowerPoint & MS Photo Gallery » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 5493
Chris Netsas
Posts: 1
Joined: 10/11/2009
Posted: 10/11/2009 09:47:17
Hello there,

I have downloaded the trial version of window manager because I am trying to find a solution in a problem I have. I see that you have very professional solutions and I was wondering if you can help me by adding this feature in a future version of Window Manager.

I have 2 monitors on my PC for presentation purposes. One 22' that I use as the main and one 42' for the presentations. I use MS Windows Vista Ultimate and MS Office 2007 Professional. The problem I am facing is with specifically two MS programs. The one is PowerPoint (presentation mode) and the other  is Photo Gallery (both Vista and Live versions in presentation mode).

At first I tried to start the presentation mode (full screen) of Photo Gallery but it would only show on the 22' monitor and not on the 42' as I wanted. I could use a "Move to monitor" option but since it is in full screen I could not use any tittle bar or task bar option.

Then I thought to use PowerPoint instead because it has an option to start the presentation on the secondary monitor by default. Everything seemed to work fine until I start another program on my main 22' monitor. When I do so the PowerPoint presentation window looses focus and it freezes on the last picture displayed. I tried to use the "Stay always on top" option but that didn't work either. It seems that the presentation window on the task bar does not allow mouse right clicks.

Can you find a solution with one of your current products for me please? If not with the current version, would it be possible to add a new feature for these programs or programs that act like those two in a future version?

Chris Netsas
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 10/13/2009 02:22:35
Dear Chris,

To create a rule for a window without our title buttons and menu (for example full-screen), you can use the Log Window.

1. Enable logging
2. Show log window
3. Clear log (right-click menu)
4. Open needed window
5. Close the window
6. On Log window you'll get the class for the window
7. Create a rule manually with known parameters

Unfortunately, now we don't have an option "Keep input-focus" (it should solve your problem). But we are working for solution of the problem.


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