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Topic: «Drag Window Tile Button » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 88
Anthony Y.
Posts: 2
Joined: 01/26/2025
Posted: 01/26/2025 00:44:10
I'm used to grabbing a window by clicking left click and holding in an empty spot on the top bar, then dragging it to another monitor, and then dragging/slamming into the top of the screen to maximize it in that window.

When I have a lot of tabs open in a browser, or when a window is very small (eg PotPlayer default window size when it opens), I'm finding it difficult to find and click on an empty spot on the top bar. This is made even more difficult now that I have tiles taking up even more space.

I think it would be great if there were a tile that would always be there to allow me to grab the window and move it just by left click and hold.

Ideally this action would be kept mouse-action only. I can still accomplish roughly what I want by pressing Alt, then clicking the empty top bar, but that's an extra step. I can also accomplish something similar with a program called AltDrag.

Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/27/2025 02:09:42
Hi Anthony,

We have the feature similar to AltDrag. Would it suffice for your needs?
Anthony Y.
Posts: 2
Joined: 01/26/2025
Posted: 01/27/2025 02:40:27
Alex Fadeyev wrote:
We have the feature similar to AltDrag. Would it suffice for your needs?

Hey, thanks for the reply! I will use that feature instead of AltDrag now that I know about it. It's good enough. But what would be great is a tile that would allow dragging with the mouse and left click only. Please consider adding it as a feature! Thanks!

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