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Topic: «Please enable scrollbar for Favorite Folders and Recent Folders dropdown menus , Favorite Folders and Recent Folders dropdown menus » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2645
Registered user
Posts: 3
Joined: 07/24/2021
Posted: 10/07/2022 03:57:01
I can't remember if I have asked for these features before, so here I am.

Could you please add scrollbars to the Favorite Folders and Recent Folders drop-down menus? I have a lot of entries in both menus, so they can't all fit on my screen, which requires me to scroll up and down using my UP and DOWN keys. Enabling scrolling to be done with a mouse's wheel, or by using scrollbars would be much more convenient.

Also, when scrolling up or down in the ActualWindowManagerConfig.exe[I] rules list, the screen scrolls very slowly. Please enable normal scrolling speed so I don't have to grab the scrollbar every time I want to scroll through the list of my Rules.

Thank you for this amazing software. I could NOT live without it!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4064
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/15/2023 04:40:48
Hello, JustinCase

Thank you for contacting us.

Could you please add scrollbars to the Favorite Folders and Recent Folders drop-down menus
We'll consider adding scrollbars to these menus and will post here if it's done.

Also, when scrolling up or down in the ActualWindowManagerConfig.exe rules list, the screen scrolls very slowly.
Do you mean the scrolling itself is performed slowly or you mean that the scroll step is very small and you need to use the mouse wheel many times?

Best regards.

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