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Topic: «Why I don't upgrade anymore , Color of title buttons changes randomly » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 1202
Yuki Taga
Registered user
Posts: 3
Joined: 07/20/2010
Posted: 05/07/2022 13:46:14

You guys have missed nearly 2 years of upgrades from me, for something that I think you could fix without too much pain.

Namely, the title button color cannot be SET so that it doesn't change. Worse, it *randomly* changes from dark to light.

The result of this change, which cannot be predicted, and does not seem to be associated with anything logical, is that periodically I cannot SEE the buttons against the background of the theme I am using for a particular browser (Firefox in this case).

I have tried many dozens of themes, from very light to very dark. At first, they're fine. But soon, this random color change takes place, and I can no longer see the title buttons.

I know you can fix this. And I also know that you won't get paid until you do.

Let me know.


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 05/16/2022 23:48:51
Hello, Yuki

Thank you for contacting us.

I was unable to find records about this problem in our database. Have you reported it before? How long ago did it start?

Do you have this problem solely with Firefox or with other apps too? What apps you've notcied this problem with?

Are there apps that don't have this problems in your system?

Do you mean that the buttons change their color incorrectly both from dark to light and from light to dark depending on which theme in Firefox you use?

How long does it usually take for the buttons to change the color?

Do you mean the problem persists even in the latest versions of our software?

What version of Fixefox you're running?

Could you specify the exact number of your Windows build (type winver in the Search field of the Windows Start menu, press Enter. The window containing the build number will appear).

What are your Windows color theme settings?

Best regards.

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