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Topic: «Integrate autostart function , Start of programs and files automatically or via shortcut » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 4542
Oliver Züchner
Registered user
Posts: 3
Joined: 06/14/2020
Posted: 02/15/2022 14:12:17
I would find it very, very useful to integrate an autostart function in AWM. So that after restarting the computer, programs and files are started automatically or after entering a keyboard combination, according to the user's wishes.

I think that is a significant gap in AWM and would make the use much more attractive.

This could also include the possibility to instruct AMW before a restart to exceptionally refrain from starting files and programs automatically. So that e.g. after routine work on the computer not all files are opened every time.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/12/2022 09:35:38
Hello, Oliver

I apologize for such long delay in replying to you.

I would find it very, very useful to integrate an autostart function in AWM. So that after restarting the computer, programs and files are started automatically or after entering a keyboard combination, according to the user's wishes.
We'll consider your request and will post here if the feature is implemented.

The ability to start a set of programs/files via hotkey is available in Actual Window Manager. You need to create a new Combo hotkey (AWM configuration module > Hotkeys > Actions > Custom > Green plus sign button > Combo). Then add several Start Program actions to this Combo action and adjust them in such manner so that each of them starts particular program or file. Thus you'll be able to start several programs/files with one hotkey.

Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Best regards.

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