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Topic: «AMM: Single picture over [select displays to stretch picture across] » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 1039
John McDonnell
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Posts: 1
Joined: 02/27/2021
Posted: 02/27/2021 02:50:55
When using only a 2 monitor setup, stretching the background across both displays made sense and I never thought beyond that. But having moved past 2 displays, I'd like a combination of "Single picture over entire desktop" and "Individual picture on each monitor."

I'd like to select one set of monitors to have the picture stretched across. Another set of monitors to have a different picture stretched across. My random portrait monitor on the side to have its own background image and another on the other side with its own background image.

And I'd like to have slideshows for each monitor grouping as the resolutions and dimensions across the displays are all different.

Just seems like a logical direction for the software to go when you start getting into ridiculous multi-monitor setups.

I think I described everything rather clearly, but I'm more than happy to clarify anything.

Thank you for your consideration of this feature request.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/17/2021 09:40:51
Hello, John

Thank you for contacting us.

Yes, you've described your request clearly. We'll consider adding this feature and will post here if it's added.

Best regards.

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