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Topic: «DON'T SHOW TASKBAR ICON IN SWITCHER , make the icons for windows invisible in virtual desktop switcher » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 28440
Antony W
Posts: 8
Joined: 01/01/2018
Posted: 02/20/2018 22:40:09
Have been using Actual Window Manager for years and it is my NUMBER ONE app for any new build!

I have 8 physical monitors and 12 virtual desktops and have everything customized just so.

The ONLY ONE issue that has really bothered me since is, I have a number of apps that run on all virtual desktops which I would love to hide/make invisible in the Virtual Desktop Switcher. I have tried using the Remove Taskbar Entry setting in Specific Settings | Startup to no avail.

Is there anyway possible this can be achieved, to not show an applications windows icon in the Switcher?

Many thanks,
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/22/2018 19:33:17
Hello, Antony

Is there anyway possible this can be achieved, to not show an applications windows icon in the Switcher?
For now there is no way to do this in Actual Window Manager. We'll consider your request and will post in this topic when/if this feature is implemented.

I have a number of apps that run on all virtual desktops which I would love to hide/make invisible in the Virtual Desktop Switcher.
Have you set these apps to be on all virtual desktops on purpose, or they are displayed this way by themselves and this is why you want to hide their icons? If the latter, then could you specify these apps (names, versions)?

Best regards.
Antony W
Posts: 8
Joined: 01/01/2018
Posted: 03/16/2018 00:40:28
Hi Bogdan,

MANY THANKS for your reply.

Yes, I’ve set them my self to appear on all the virtual desktops. There are a number of apps I use on all desktops including Chrome browser (Google calendar).
It’s such a shame as most of my Virtual Switcher windows (representing the virtual desktops) have 3 to 4 icons that needn’t be there at all.

It’s strange, I have an app, that by default doesn’t show in the taskbar, and doesn’t show in the virtual switcher too, but it’s the only. I’ve tried hiding the other apps taskbar button from the registry, but they still show up. Very strange.

I really hope you have an option to hide application icons in the switcher soon.

Many thanks!
Angry Kitty

Posts: 9
Joined: 05/27/2018
Posted: 05/27/2018 21:34:49
Wow, your setup is just exceptional amazing.  :oops: I only have 2 different monitors, keep up!  :D

Having Technology Anger Management therapy since Microsoft Windows 95
Antony W
Posts: 8
Joined: 01/01/2018
Posted: 09/25/2018 17:26:24
Thanks, Angry Kitten! :)

Yes, I love it. Screen real estate!

Now have 9 physical monitors and 15 virtual desktops... and yes, I do use them all  :D

Can't wait till I can hide the 7 apps that are currently appearing in all panes of the virtual desktop switcher. Then... my life will be complete! ;) lol
Antony W
Posts: 8
Joined: 01/01/2018
Posted: 09/25/2018 17:28:44
Hi Bogdan, don't suppose there is an update on this feature yet?

Anyone else knows if there is a registry hack that may be able to hide app icons from the virtual desktop switcher?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 09/26/2018 11:13:04
Hello, Antony

Unfortunately, there is no update on this feature yet.

Anyone else knows if there is a registry hack that may be able to hide app icons from the virtual desktop switcher?
Also there is no way to remove the icons from the virtual desktop switcher via registry or any other way to do this.

Best regards.
Antony W
Posts: 8
Joined: 01/01/2018
Posted: 06/12/2019 00:12:43
I don't suppose there is anymore info on this request?

I've literally designed my whole rig around AWM, and this is the only last issue that would make my rig perfect!

Many thanks!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/16/2019 02:00:56
Hello, Anthony

Unfortunately, we have no plans to implement the feature in the near future. For now it's not clear whether the feature will be implemented at all sometime, as there are few requests of the feature.

Best regards.
Antony W
Posts: 8
Joined: 01/01/2018
Posted: 04/16/2021 20:55:18
Just checking in... don't suppose their has been any more thought/action on this. Would make a HUGE difference to my setup. Many thanks

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