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Topic: «Some feature requests » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 19304
felix Schmidt
Posts: 1
Joined: 08/04/2017
Posted: 08/04/2017 23:45:33
As a long-time user of the ion window manager in Linux, i actually consider using awm in Windows. Here are some requests, from highest to lowest priority:

1. I'd like to be able to assign a specific tiling layout to a specific virtual desktop.
2. Tile borders should be visible on the screen and have a (small) tab bar that lists all the windows inside that tile (and makes them selectable).
3. There should be a hotkey that allows rotating through all windows in the current tile.
4. There should be hotkeys that allow me to navigate to the left/right/upper/lower tile.
5. Always maximize the window to the tile it is dragged into (not just when hitting the tile border)

#1 is currently preventing me from using awm .. i am used to have a fixed layout for the different desktops which serve a specific use case (set of applications).


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/07/2017 21:06:56
Hello, felix

1. I'd like to be able to assign a specific tiling layout to a specific virtual desktop.
We'll consider your request and will post here when/if it's implemented.

2. Tile borders should be visible on the screen and have a (small) tab bar that lists all the windows inside that tile (and makes them selectable).
Do you mean tile borders and tab bar should be displayed all the time?

3. There should be a hotkey that allows rotating through all windows in the current tile.
4. There should be hotkeys that allow me to navigate to the left/right/upper/lower tile.
Do you mean there should always be the "current tile" e.g. the tile that is currently selected?

5. Always maximize the window to the tile it is dragged into (not just when hitting the tile border)
Do you want Desktop Divider to work in such way so that there is no ability to drag a window in a random place at desktop without putting it into tile?
Desktop Divider currently works this way if the "Activate When Dragging a Window > While Pressed" option is enabled for Desktop Divider (Configuration module > Layout and Snap > Desktop Divider).

Are all the features you request presented in ion window manager in Linux?

Best regards.

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