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Topic: «Cycle through all open windows » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 11641
Tom Pester
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Posts: 2
Joined: 05/20/2005
Posted: 05/20/2005 19:51:08
Hi peeps,

A collegue of mine pointed me too actual window manager and after trying it I think it should come installed with every windows installation. Seriously.

I use the program in combination with strokeit (n1 mouse gesture software) and my 8 mouse button.

I almost got my requirment working which is to cycle through all open windows on the desktop by doing a gesture thats coupled to "send window to bottom".

I got it working half 'n half. When the first window goes to the bottom I get the next as desired. But this doesnt have focus so I must first click on it and than I can send that one to the bottom as well.

This may seem as not a big deal but I want to use it to quickly cycle through all my open windows (I got a dual monitor setup so I leave 3 to 4 programs open on each monitor).

Is there a workaround? Maybe an option could be built in that activates the window under the mouse cursor.

I know that there are programs that do thus but I want AWM to be my 1 stop solution. And since I see that the authors of the program do listen to the forum I want to commit to AWM. Thx for reading all.
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 05/23/2005 01:34:28
Hi Tom,

Thanks for your interest to our Actual Window Manager program.

Tom Pester wrote:
This may seem as not a big deal but I want to use it to quickly cycle through all my open windows (I got a dual monitor setup so I leave 3 to 4 programs open on each monitor).

Is there a workaround? Maybe an option could be built in that activates the window under the mouse cursor.

I added the option to activate the window under the mouse cursor to our to-do list and it will be done in next versions of our programs.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!
Tom Pester
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 05/20/2005
Posted: 05/23/2005 05:50:03
Sounds great Michael :)

I used to work with this small program :

And its truely intresting from a useability standpoint.
The windows z-order's dont get changed unless you explicetly tell them to do it.

This can be very handy sometimes (copy paste from 1 window to another without switching between them) but sometimes in can be indesirable. I stopped using that program because there was no easy way to disable certain features.

The quick Copy&paste with mouse that this program allows is something I dont find anywhere. I think its beyond the scope of AWM but give it a try maybe?

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