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Topic: «Startup "Where pinned" or "Where launched" » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2063
Jaysee Leroux
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Posted: 12/10/2015 10:04:24
If AWM can do this then I'm not aware of it.

I have some programs pinned to the taskbars on both displays for convenience because I frequently use them on one or the other. It would be nice to have the ability to set the startup to "Where pinned" so it starts on the display where it is pinned to the taskbar.

"Where launched" would be better if it covered launching on the display where the desktop shortcut is, where pinned to start or where pinned to taskbar.

I realize you can use "Having mouse pointer", but the problem is needing to leave the mouse on that display long enough for the program to launch. I'm constantly moving the mouse too quickly and having the program move when I didn't intend for it to do so.

If this is even possible I'd ask to have it come under consideration for the future.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/17/2015 23:46:31
Hello, Jaysee

Sorry for the delay.

We'll consider your request of the "where launched" option for the Move to monitor feature.

Best regards.
Jaysee Leroux
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 12/10/2015
Posted: 12/18/2015 11:25:43
Mister Polishchuk,

No problem about the delay and thank you for considering the request. I'm always impressed by the customer service I see here from yourself and the others. It's refreshing and appreciated.

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Posted: 12/23/2015 18:19:07
"Where launched/Where pinned" workaround (sorta):

Can be achieved (almost) by selecting "At Window Startup" > "Move to monitor" > "Having mouse pointer" -- this only works as long as ALL cases of launching THIS application are to be where the mouse pointer is located. However, there are cases where you WILL NEED to have THIS application pinned on one monitor (and loaded there), and yet in a menu or otherwise (key combo) you need it always on another monitor location which isn't where the mouse pointer is located.

This is the closest I've come to having what I need, but it always results in me having to change my workflow fr om an ideal to less than perfection.

Having the same concept, but a different term used for Taskbar pinned apps is having "Where pinned/Here/This Monitor" would appear as a option in the Taskbar, same location as right-click in the 'pin/unpin' menu, so you can easily set this feature where and when you know you need it. Of course this feature 'Wh ere launched/Where pinned' in the detailed AWM configuration too would be perfection.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/24/2015 18:07:21

We'll consider your addition to this request.

Best regards.

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