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Topic: «[Solved] resize file load/save dialogs » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 9328
Robert Rayner
Posts: 6
Joined: 07/14/2007
Posted: 07/14/2007 06:52:39
Would it be possible to include the ability to resize the file load/save dialogs, it seems such a waste being able to set most windows to any size, yet the load/save dialogs are small at about 1/8th screen size.

I currently use a program call XFilesDialog from to resize these, and do other useful things like add disk drive buttons to explorer.
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 07/15/2007 23:10:40

The required feature is already possible! You should create a specific window rule, defining window class and caption for the required dialogs. I recommend you to do it with the help of our easy-to-use magic tool Window Finder (simply dragging a crosshair over the desired windows). It would be better to create three separate rules for each type of dialogs: Load, Open Save. After this you can define their size and position at startup (Size and Position property sheets). Please do not forget to save changes. If any issues occur feel free to contact me!
Robert Rayner
Posts: 6
Joined: 07/14/2007
Posted: 07/17/2007 10:06:15
Thank you for your speedy reply.

Yes, this works. Unfortunately it appears that I have to carry out this procedure with each type of file, because for some reason once if I set the rules for a mp3 file, it has no effect with a wav file, so I have to define the rules again. The same thing happens If I set the rules for a bmp, then I have to set them again for a jpg file.

I just thought there might be a way to set it independent of the file type.

Or maybe I am just doing it wrong.....
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 07/18/2007 01:16:26
Please consult the following link and try to create new window rules.
Robert Rayner
Posts: 6
Joined: 07/14/2007
Posted: 07/18/2007 02:25:39
Thank you, that works well. Sometimes I feel sorry for software developers for having to tolerate people such as myself.
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 07/18/2007 04:35:59
You are welcome Robert, thank YOU for your interest to Actual Tools.

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