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Topic: «Allow decimal values for button shifting » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2363
Matthew Brown
Posts: 1
Joined: 05/22/2013
Posted: 08/24/2015 01:47:47
Please allow us to use decimal values (like -0.5 or 0.5) in the 'Shift the buttons horizontally' setting

I am in a situation where I use a third party Aero Glass skinning utility for Windows 10 and I find that using a value of "-1" results in there still being a space between the minimize button and the Actual Window Manager compact button. I figure if I can use -1.5, -1.4,, -1.3, or some other non-whole number I'd be able to align it perfectly. This third party utility allows me to resize the default caption buttons to make them compact like Windows 7 on Windows 10. So it would be nice if I could tweak Actual Window Manager's title buttons with some more fine grain to be proportionate and aligned to these.

Using a value of -2 makes it overlap the minimize button.

Here's a screenshot with the value set at -1 in Actual Window Manager 8.5 Beta 2. Also note that the button is too tall and I don't like how fat the buttons got even for existing skin XML files in Beta 2. It was just the right size tallness wise in Beta 1 of 8.5 even though Beta 1 also had the alignment problem that I could solve if I could use a non-whole number:
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Here is what it looks like with a value of -2:
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Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/24/2015 22:37:06
Hello Matthew,

Thanks for the post.

We'll consider this request and inform you if/when it will be implemented in our products.

Best regards.

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