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Topic: «Option to show more items in Task Bar Jump Lists. » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2617
Robin Gerndt
Posts: 18
Joined: 09/17/2014
Posted: 07/16/2015 23:34:12
I recently found out that Windows 7 & 8 have an option to change the number of items to display in the jump lists of programs pinned to the taskbar.
So if you increase that number you can, for instance, pin a lot of games to Steam's taskbar icon, without that limiting the number of "Recent" games that can be displayed. Or pin a lot of folders to the File Explorer, and still have a big "Recent" list there as well.

I would love to see an option like this for Actual Tools.

I took a screen shot where you can compare the Windows task bar Jump List with the Actual task bar Jump List.

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The Actual task bar is set to mirror the Windows default one, but as you can see, there is only room for the first 4 pinned games, and the "Recent" list doesn't even fit at all.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 07/24/2015 11:25:45
Hello Robin,

Thanks for the post.

We'll consider this request and inform you if/when it will be implemented in our products.

Best regards.

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