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Topic: «User-initiated background/wallpaper switch » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2345
Steph kaleed
Posts: 144
Joined: 03/29/2011
Posted: 07/03/2015 09:44:31
I have my desktop background set to a directory of images with automatic switching every ten minutes. Two minor feature requests with this:

  • 1.) The ability to initiate a background switch via shortcut -- a keyboard shortcut + context-menu shortcut fr om the taskbar tray icon, perhaps like "Switch background image".

  • 2.) The ability to jump directly to a background image's location on disk, similar to Task Manager's "Open file location" function.

    Sometimes there's an image I don't want in the background rotation anymore, making me trace through directories/images to find it. It'd be great to have a function that instantly jumps to the image file on disk + selects/highlights it.

    I realize this could be considered partially fulfilled with the option to show image location on the background itself, but this ruins the look of the image :)

These two options could even be inserted in the same context submenu together, something like "Desktop" or "Background" -> "Switch background" + "Jump to background image location".

An alternate possibility with this would be a background "blacklist", wh ere the user can click "Desktop Background" -> "Add current background to blacklist", which then removes it from the rotation without needing the user to manually move the background out of its directory.

Win7/Win8.1 Pro (x64)
AWM 8.3b2
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 07/03/2015 11:35:32
Hello Steph,

Thanks for the post.

Did you try "Next slide" and "Open slide" desktop context menu items?


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