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Topic: «[PENDING]AWM Window Positioning and Unexpected Behavior » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 4293
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/16/2014 03:50:26
AWM Window Positioning.

As an end-user I should be unable to select conflicting configuration/attributes as I would expect them to be compatible and work together as a whole.


If an application/window is in the AWM rule scope of having:
(A) Position = Move at startup to monitor: Having mouse pointer
(B) Position = Options: Save position on exit

The behavior I'd expect to see are: The application/window ALWAYS appears on the monitor (regardless of how many) for which the mouse pointer is currently located AND the position of the application/window would be restored to the position for which was last saved for that monitor. In other words the Position.Options."Save position on exit" is a per monitor setting, not a desktop setting. To me at a minimum Position.Option."Save position on exit" also needs to have an associated attribute of "on Desktop or per Monitor". If "on Desktop" is radio button is selected then the behavior would be as it is currently. If "per Monitor" then each monitor would have an associated saved position.

In a multiple monitor configuration I have to basic needs: Some applications I always want at the same monitor and same location. Other applications I always want at the monitor of where the mouse pointer is located WITH it's last saved position on that specific monitor. -- In the case of an application invoking/displaying windows or other applications I expect the those applications/windows to be displayed on the monitor of the calling "parent" application, with a few exceptions. In ALL cases the same rule as above applies.

What are your thoughts?

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/22/2014 06:26:52
Dear Lars,

thank you for your post!

I can see three points in your request:
  • to add the capability to save per monitor position on exit;
  • to add a selectable attribute ("per monitor" or "for the whole desktop") for that option; and
  • to add a hybrid rule to move a window to a monitor having mouse pointer or to a monitor of a parent window if it exists.

All three points are to be considered. We'll post news on each one in this thread.

Moving this thread to Feature Requests forum.

Best regards!
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/23/2014 07:50:07
I can see three points in your request:

   to add the capability to save per monitor position on exit;
   to add a selectable attribute ("per monitor" or "for the whole desktop") for that option; and
   to add a hybrid rule to move a window to a monitor having mouse pointer or to a monitor of a parent window if it exists.

All three points are to be considered. We'll post news on each one in this thread.
Great! I'm looking forward to that day. :)

BTW, In a multiple monitor configuration when one of the monitors is removed from the configuration and AWM doesn't see that monitor an appropriate AWM response is needed as well as the ability to retain that monitors app position,size data so it can be used if/when that monitor is connected/active on the system again.

I find the above capabilities/enhancements as a major improvement to the product.

Alexander, thanks for the consideration and efforts on this concern.

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/27/2014 05:12:39
Thank YOU for your efforts, Lars!

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