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Topic: «AWM Window Manager Log , Enhancement Selected Window » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 4113
Advanced user
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/10/2014 23:50:01
One of the difficulties in debugging an AWM rule is the limitation of the Window Manager Logger not having the ability to record when a Window is selected by the end-user and an action, such as dragging is performed. In this case you have really no idea what "rule" is affecting the window you are working moving. To me if I have the AWM Configuration Manager (AWM CM) open and I select any window which has a "rule" associated with it, that rule should be highlighted in the AWM CM. Otherwise, I need to create a fake/dummy rule, then click Target Window, then click and drag "LEFT-CLICK HERE" and move it to what was my selected window to then have the Window class and program name captured, then try and find the associated rule which hopefully I'll be able to identify. When it comes to the generic window #32770 this can become a nightmare to isolate, and close to half of all my rule are #32770 rules.

What are your thoughts?


Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/14/2014 01:01:34
Dear Lars,

thank you for your post!

I have some suggestions for you:
  • Please read How to Check What Settings Are Currently Applied to a Particular Window.
  • If you need to see the windows which should have been applied with Default Settings and keep the Default Settings disabled, you can create an Exclusion rule with only a window caption criterion enabled, select Regular expression and enter the \z value. This Exclusion will apply to all the windows not having Specific Settings enabled for.

What do you think?
Best regards.
Advanced user
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/14/2014 02:11:29
If you need to see the windows which should have been applied with Default Settings and keep the Default Settings disabled, you can create an Exclusion rule with only a window caption criterion enabled, sel ect Regular expression and enter the \z value. This Exclusion will apply to all the windows not having Specific Settings enabled for.
This little gem "\z" is helpful from the disabling Default Settings which don't have a Specific Settings rule. I'd like to suggest this is implemented via some other configuration setting, such as "Default Settings" and then a checkbox to select if it applies to only Specific Settings or not.

Unfortunately this still limits all default settings as either on or off, rather than a more specific granularity.

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 10/14/2014 19:34:35
Dear Lars,

thank you for your post!

Am I correct in understanding that you would like to have a capability to adjust Specific Settings's non-specific (similar in all rules) values by adjusting one global rule that would affect all the Specific Settings, but wouldn't apply to any windows by itself, unlike Default Settings?

Otherwise please try to clear up what you mean by
Default Settings which don't have a Specific Settings rule
in your previous post.

Best regards.
Advanced user
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 10/16/2014 06:19:27
All 'settings' or attributes have one of three scopes:
( 1 ) System-wide/Global (Default Settings)
( 2 ) Group (or Specific Settings taken as the whole group)
( 3 ) Individual (or a single Specific Settings rule)

Under the current implementation of AWM you have either of the following which you can do:
( A ) Exception class "\z" doesn't exist
----- System-wide/Global
----- Individual

( B ) Exception class "\z" exists
----- Group
----- Individual

You can do either A or B, but you cannot perform the union of A and B together.

Take a different perspective on how you look at attributes. The term 'default' is ambiguous in an AWM context. Don't think of them in terms of "Default Settings," "Specific Settings," and "Exceptions" as it makes the problem more complex. Think of the attributes in terms of 'scope' as each one has the possibility of representing one of three areas of influence. Each attribute depending on what exactly it does may or may not be represented under each of the areas of influence (global/group/individual).  

Example: The attribute "Title Buttons" could apply to (global/group/individual). In all cases there are types of windows which would be excluded automatically. In this case a window which does not have a title/caption would be excluded regardless of its scope. If the end-user wanted "Title Buttons" to appear for all of the "Specific Settings" windows all that would be required is to specify those title buttons at the Group level. It would be defined only once -- easy to maintain and easy to control what gets effected. If there was an "Exception" where the end-user needed a different behavior for the Title Buttons on one or two windows they would modify those Individual rules (each Specific Settings) by removing or adding title buttons.

Example: Let us say we want "Title Buttons" on everything in the system except all of those items but one in the "Specific Settings". We would enable the attribute "Title Buttons" and add those buttons we wanted as default for all windows. Then at the Group Level ("Specific Settings) would disable the "Title Buttons" and all of the windows within "Specific Settings" would no inherit the System-wide/Global Level ("Default Settings"). Then the Individual rule (the single item in Specific Settings) would add the Title Buttons attribute and via adding one or more title buttons. The end-user could easily remove and add an "Title Button" under the Group Level as well.


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