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Topic: «possible features? » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 36937
Posted: 04/25/2005 17:22:38
this is an outstanding program and it's one of my few essential programs, why dosn't windows come equipped with these already??

what I was wondering was if there was a way to add the extra buttons to dos windows? in my line of work I often have either a dos prompt or a dos based program open.

I like the 'ghost' idea mentioned, mabye when the mouse over the window it would have more opacity. it's not a very natural way of managing productivity at first, but found that it could have potential applications, such as a todo list on a txt file when editing in another document, being able to write right through it, as opposed to having the txt file transparent, sticky and to the side.

I've noticed for some reason that on some MS products such as Word or Excell the pushpin dosn't always stay stuck? and the transparency option dosn't show up on all types of programs, specifically the above mentioned.

This might be eccentric, but I could see myself using a 'grouping' option. I often use the program to resize photos to match another one, or for paint related reasons, and it could be useful to have it so if you moved one window, another one 'grouped' with it would move as well.

The chameleon suggestion mentioned before would be interesting as well! combined with a title rename, and if at all possible have some dynamic variables that you could rename your title with, such as the time, folder path, current media playing etc would have some useful play value  ;)

thanks again for making one of my favourite programs!
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 04/25/2005 23:43:02
Hi Joseph,

Joseph wrote:
this is an outstanding program and it's one of my few essential programs, why dosn't windows come equipped with these already??

I'm very glad to hear that our program is so helpful for you.

Joseph wrote:
what I was wondering was if there was a way to add the extra buttons to dos windows?

Unfortunately, but due to specific of Windows 2000/XP, we couldn't add new title buttons to dos windows. Windows XP itself couldn't apply new visual styles for such windows.

Joseph wrote:
I've noticed for some reason that on some MS products such as Word or Excell the pushpin dosn't always stay stuck?
Thanks for information. We know about this problem. Microsoft Office products remove "Always Stay on Top" option by themselves then you open any sub-window, such as Font, Paragraph and others.

Joseph wrote:
This might be eccentric, but I could see myself using a 'grouping' option. I often use the program to resize photos to match another one, or for paint related reasons, and it could be useful to have it so if you moved one window, another one 'grouped' with it would move as well.

The chameleon suggestion mentioned before would be interesting as well! combined with a title rename, and if at all possible have some dynamic variables that you could rename your title with, such as the time, folder path, current media playing etc would have some useful play value

Good ideas! Added to our to-do list.

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!
Posted: 04/26/2005 19:19:12
thanks for promptly replying! one other thing I've noticed is with the ghost feature that's in actual windows manager, when the ghosted application goes 'down' to the desktop, it's impossible to retrieve it unless you right click on the icon in the taskbar and remove transparency ( whether pushpin is on or not ).

what would be very useful is if the ghost feature could be toggled on/off, mabye if that was the only button you could select on the taskbar, so you could select something on the ghosted window, but it would still have minimal impact on the task.

thanks for letting me know why the dos windows and MS applications were sort of conflicting, it's good to know why there is an issue!
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 04/26/2005 22:56:42

Joseph wrote:
what would be very useful is if the ghost feature could be toggled on/off, mabye if that was the only button you could select on the taskbar, so you could select something on the ghosted window, but it would still have minimal impact on the task.

Yes, we plan to add separate settings for ghost feature, so you can archive this behavior.

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!
Posted: 05/12/2005 08:59:25
Hi, Michael, how goes it? Master of the window managing
universe, do you ever get any holidays?

Today I stumbled on a feature not included in any win-
dow managing program I know of, that belongs to the
configuration options of the program and skin Symetrix.

In its own transparency preference settings, a little
box is included you can tick only relevant if applying
the transparency slider that offers "Opaque on mouseover". This belongs in every window rule as an
option, doesn´t it? Be glad to answer any questions
about URL´s and the program.

Maybe some months later I´ll screenshot what happens
when minimizing to the screen edge if you already have
a taskbar on the left edge vertically, the right edge
and the top as a second horizontal taskbar. Your pro-
gram is so intelligent, it manages to superimpose a
minimized icon over the icons in the task bar under-
neath it. But for me, it didn´t work under a resolution
of 1280x1024. One day, I picture myself ghosting
through the superimposed minimized icon to click the
icon on the task bar below it. Oh, well (joke!). Let us
not overstrain the improvements that are possible.

Everything is working so fine!

Best wishes, yours TAXIFUNK
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 05/13/2005 04:36:41
Hi, Michael, how goes it? Master of the window managing
universe, do you ever get any holidays?

Hi! We work hard, but we work for our users. This make me happy  :)

In its own transparency preference settings, a little
box is included you can tick only relevant if applying
the transparency slider that offers "Opaque on mouseover". This belongs in every window rule as an
option, doesn´t it? Be glad to answer any questions
about URL´s and the program.

Can you send the screenshot of this settings to our e-mail:

Thanks in advance.

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!
Posted: 05/22/2005 14:52:52
Hi again, trying to post the screenshots I didnt manage
to attach to my mail for technical reasons.
First, heres a demo link with a flash show of how the
background of every separate window should be replaced
with its own picture or color by Actual Window tool
no. 9 in my suggestion list forthcoming or mailed:
:| Windowpaper XP Changer demo show
Posted: 05/22/2005 15:25:04
Hello, ive read this topic and found
I've noticed for some reason that on some MS products such as Word or Excell the pushpin dosn't always stay stuck?
there are commands you can use to effect MS programs such as Word. Add -console at the end of your target properties (right click on shortcut add -console at the end ie: "c:/progra../../word.exe" -console there are also other commands to control the program, like always on top, dll loader etc...

Posted: 05/22/2005 15:25:19
Ok, that show link worked. It takes a while to load,
though. Note that this program is free and still should
be included in your suite, but as a separate tool
BECAUSE ActWinMan doesnt have to be resident for showing the windows changed like this. Once changed
the color or picture and Icon Text color of each window
you can exit the changer, and the windows still are
beautifully changed like you want. However, images are
automatically tiled if the size isnt appropriate for
the size and resolution of the window its meant for.
You should be able to stretch, align, center the
background image as well, and apply a random active
changer to each window separately. Plus a changer de-
pendent on what season or time of day it is in your
system clock.

Now heres a link for Actual Window Tool 8, Actual
Window special effects (We just call FX, because it
sounds like effects but is shorter). As you can see
in their forum, you need some good hardware and there
were some bugs in the first unregistered free version,
but the transitions and animations while dragging,
minimizing and restoring are unbelievable and do work
for me, even though there are some bugs. Windows
fade in and out slowly, rollups really roll slowly and
visibly instead of just being capped like in your and
almost everbodys Rollup. Windows crumble and turn and
spin around other windows when they are in various
stages. It looks magnificent, and has the important
function of signalizing what is happening where, even
if todays fast CPUs normally make this happen so fast
you cant see it, which has bad consequences because
you dont realize what youre not seeing.
:D Download link for Video Show of Window FX program (shareware), full version is of interest
Posted: 05/22/2005 16:23:21

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