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Topic: «Automatically resize columns » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 2830
Steve Kalide
Posts: 144
Joined: 03/29/2011
Posted: 03/09/2014 10:07:37
Could we please get a feature that can automatically resize and adjust columns in programs (particularly Windows Explorer)?

I still can't believe Microsoft has never provided this feature yet. It's utmost annoying having to resize columns all the time. It's a little helpful that we can double-click a column divider and have it resize to to fit the widest item, but it'd be even more useful to have certain columns size themselves automatically.

Some ideas:

-Ability to choose certain columns to resize automatically (e.g., wanting all "Size" columns to auto-resize to fit their largest value, but not caring for "Publisher" columns to resize at all)

-Ability to select an automatic sizing (measurement) or choosing to fit column to widest value (e.g., wanting "Size" columns to auto-fit to widest value, but only wanting "Name" columns to auto-resize to a maximum of 200px or to the widest value under that)

-Ability to adjust per-program column widths, e.g., Windows Explorer, uTorrent, NirSoft tools, Sysinternals tools (like Process Explorer/Process Monitor), Task Manager, Resource Monitor, Event Viewer, etc.

-Ability to have columns set system-wide or per-program (like the individual program settings in AWM)

-Keyboard/mouse shortcut that can quickly resize columns, e.g., CTRL-SHIFT-C causes all columns in the focused window to resize to fit all values, CTRL-SHIFT-V shrinks columns to find the current window size without scrolling, CTRL-SHIFT-B resizes only "Name" and "Size" columns, etc.

Just some suggestions off the top of my head for now.

Win7/Win8.1 Pro (x64)
AWM 8.3b2
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 03/18/2014 21:44:30
Hello Steve,

Thanks for the post.
We'll consider this feature request.

Best regards.

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