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Topic: «Actual Title Buttons - Custom Button text on button » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 4422
Carlos Martinez
Posts: 6
Joined: 08/20/2012
Posted: 11/30/2012 20:37:49
Actual Title Buttons Rocks!!

I just cannot work with a PC
without using Actual Title Buttons!

The latest, best feature is custom title buttons
[Window settings > Actions available via title buttons > Green plus sigh > Run keyboard macro]

I have know made custom title buttons for:

Close app
Select All
Full Screen

The only thing is..

The buttons all look the same
so there is no way to know what
each of my custom title buttons does..

So it would be nice if the developer could add the option
to add 2 to 4 letters on each of the custom title buttons
so that for example the image of the [Select All] button
the user can make it have the letters [SA] or [SAll] on top of the button

And at a later upgrade:

Edit the image of a custom title button.

Make the custom title buttons available
when right clicking the Title bar.

Thanks so much!

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/04/2012 21:25:26
Hello Carlos.

Make the custom title buttons available
when right clicking the Title bar.

Do you want the custom title buttons to be hidden until you right click the title bar?

Best regards.
Carlos Martinez
Posts: 6
Joined: 08/20/2012
Posted: 12/05/2012 16:56:43
No, I ALWAYS want them ALL to be visible.
It's just that when rightclicking the title bar
custom buttons do not show up.

Please add another suggestion:

Because users may create many buttons
when SMALL windows pop up some of the buttons do not show up.

Please add the option to the [show grouping button]
to show only the missing buttons when a small window pops up.

Thank you so much!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/06/2012 20:30:04
Hello Carlos.

We'll consider your requests about images for title buttons and title buttons on small windows.

Why do you need such feature as hiding custom title buttons on taskbar right click?
Carlos Martinez
Posts: 6
Joined: 08/20/2012
Posted: 12/08/2012 21:25:00
Why do you need such feature as hiding custom title buttons on taskbar right click?

No, I don't want to  hide custom title buttons on taskbar when right clicking the taskbar.

Let me explain:

when right clicking an empty space on the desktop, a vertical context menu appears
that includes: Screen Resolution Gadgets Personalize..

when right clicking an empty space on the TITLE BAR, a vertical context menu appears
that includes: Restore Maximize Actual Title Buttons Quick Settings Minimize to tray Roll up etc..

In this vertical context menu my custom title buttons do not show up..
There is no: Select All Space Undo Redo F3 F11

So i just want my custom title buttons to appear as items on the  vertical context menu list
along with Restore Maximize Actual Title Buttons > Quick Settings Minimize to tray Roll up etc..

Best Regards,
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/11/2012 02:53:45
Ok, i see what you mean. You want to replace the custom title buttons to the window context menu when they're disabled in the configuration window, right?

We'll consider your request.

Best regards.
Carlos Martinez
Posts: 6
Joined: 08/20/2012
Posted: 12/11/2012 13:47:44
No, I NEVER want to disable any of the title buttons or any of the custom title buttons..


but when a small window pops up
some of the title buttons and some of the custom title buttons
are NOT SEEN, they are CUT OFF simply because
a small window cannot have 16 buttons
[standard title buttons like [Roll Up] and custom title buttons]

small window. too many buttons..

so.. to avoid missing any of the 16 buttons
create an option to display the missing buttons
[that are cut off and not seen because the window that has them is so small]

create the option to display the missing buttons
in the window context menu [right click title bar > menu appears with standard and custom button items]

They must appear as MENU ITEMS..  NOT buttons ! !

so even if the window is too small to have 16 buttons [standard title buttons or custom buttons]
the user can have access to the missing buttons by right clicking the title bar
[window context menu shows up with a list of all the missing buttons AS MENU ITEMS]

Have a great day!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/12/2012 01:52:24
Hello Carlos.

No, I ALWAYS want them ALL to be visible.
It's just that when rightclicking the title bar
custom buttons do not show up.

Please add another suggestion:

Because users may create many buttons
when SMALL windows pop up some of the buttons do not show up.

Please add the option to the [show grouping button]
to show only the missing buttons when a small window pops up.

What you described in one of you previous posts as two different feature requests (1- custom buttons in the window menu, 2- title buttons on small windows) now you're describing as a single.

Anyway, i get the idea of your requests.

We'll consider it.

Best regards.
Carlos Martinez
Posts: 6
Joined: 08/20/2012
Posted: 12/12/2012 19:48:07
Great! But please consider the following
as the most urgent option to be added to
Actual Title Buttons as soon as possible
Because each of my custom buttons
does not have anything to indicate
what i have assigned it to do.

User added an image

Create the option to add 2 to 4 letters on each of the custom title buttons images
so that for example the image of the [Select All] custom button
the user can make it have the letters [SA] or [SAll] on top of the button image
so the user knows what the button does when clicked,

User added an image

Thanks Again!

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