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Topic: «AMM on Windows 8 , secondary taskbar improvement » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 33953
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 09/05/2012 12:44:41
The current version of Actual Multiple Monitor (AMM) has some compatibility issues with Windows 8. If its own secondary taskbar is enabled, the opened windows in the secondary monitor may have incorrect height so the bottom part of the window is cuttoff and displayed as desktop wallpaper. This problem happens if thumbnail preview is enabled (bigger bottom cutoff) or in some random occurences when the thumbnail preview is disabled (smaller bottom cutoff).

Windows 8's native second taskbar works fine with AMM. But it lasks of the notification tray icons, which is very annoying. Is it possible to add a simple tweak to enable the notification tray icons on the native secondary taskbar instead of replacing it completely?

The startup button/menu tweak in the AMM taskbar is nice. Can you simply add them on the native taskbar? The startup button scale function does not seem to work as it looks smaller than the height of the taskar if DPI is increased.

AMM interferes with the charm bar function on the secondary monitor and also makes the metro interface display jump around in different monitors instead of always appear in the monitor with mouse cursor as default by Windows.

In addition, the features of move all windows to the next or current monitor is very useful. Currently they can only be accessed by right-clicking the AMM taskbar. Is it possible to add them to the context menu of the AMM notification tray icon? This will allow to move all windows back and forth from the native taskbar (primary at least).

Finally, is it possible to move the Metro applcations to the second monitor?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/03/2012 00:29:44
Hello Yisheng Xu.

1. The problem has been confirmed, but I haven't find the sure way to reproduce it. Do you have any thoughts about it?

2. Is there problem with using AMM taskbar? Why do you need to use native secondary taskbar?

Can you simply add them on the native taskbar?
Are you talking about the secondary or the primary taskbar?

What is the startup button scale function? Could you give me a screenshot of this problem?

4. Yeah, I can see the bar and start menu sometimes appears on the wrong monitors, but have no sure way to reproduce it. Are there steps to reproduce the problem?

5. We'll consider your request.

6. Unfortunately, there is no ability to move the Metro applications with AMM. As I can see, you can kind of "minimize" them pressing the Windows key and then open it by dragging mouse to the top-left corner of the secondary.
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 10/03/2012 10:37:05
Once the AMM secondary taskbar is enabled, the window of the second montior will be cut off at the bottom (now I can replicate this consistently). So I was suggesting to tweak/modify the Windows 8 native taskbar, perticularly by adding the notification tray, in addition to AMM's own taskbar. This will allow Windows 8 users to have more flexible options for the secondary taskbar. The native taskbar's color/appearance is also more compatible to the desktop theme.

For the start menu button, there is an option for enabling scaling. I suppose it is for automaticaly enlarging the size of the windows pearl icon according to the height of the taskbar and DPI settings. This is the behavior of the native start menu button for Windows 7.

For Windows 8, is it possible to add the option to enable the start menu button on both primary and secondary native taskbars (similar as the function provided by Startdock Start8)?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/11/2012 02:46:50
Hello Yisheng.

We'll consider your requests.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/29/2012 22:03:39
Hello Yisheng Xu

I'd like to inform you that the feature you requested (about scaling) has been added. It is available in the Actual Window Manager and Actual Multiple Monitors new beta versions - 7.3 beta 2 and 4.3 beta 2.

Best regards.
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 10/30/2012 07:06:54
Nice try! The stretch start button function now works.

Additional/new bugs include:

1. The pinned taskbar icons except for the start icon have garbage display now.
2. AMM taskbar crashes when start or pin IE10.

New feature requests:

1. The second monitor taskbar automatically disables Windows 8 native second taskbar, which is a nice fix. But it won't restore the native one after it's disabled. Can this be resolved by adding a registry key or log file for the user's native taskbar settings?
2. Windows 7/8 language bar/tray icon cannot be displayed on the AMM toolbar.
3. The clock display on AMM toolbar does not show date.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/12/2012 05:05:15
Hello Yisheng Xu.

1. The pinned taskbar icons except for the start icon have garbage display now.
2. AMM taskbar crashes when start or pin IE10.

I was unable to reproduce these issues.

The second monitor taskbar automatically disables Windows 8 native second taskbar, which is a nice fix. But it won't restore the native one after it's disabled.
We'll try to fix it

Windows 7/8 language bar/tray icon cannot be displayed on the AMM toolbar.
Unfortunately, this can't be fixed due to language bar specificities.

The clock display on AMM toolbar does not show date.
I was unable to reproduce these issues. Could you send the screenshot of this situation?

Best regards.
Yisheng Xu
Posts: 9
Joined: 09/05/2012
Posted: 11/27/2012 16:26:42
Thanks for the 4.3 upd ate! It seems to have solved the cropped window bottom problem. I haven't yet to replicate this issue.

I attached a screenshot for the corrupted icon display on the AMM taskbar (on secondary monitor). By the way, my DPI se tting is 150%. I'm not sure whether this is related. This is a critical issue that needs to be resolved soon.

When I try to unpin the control panel icon on the AMM taskbar, which I pinned from Version 4.2, AMM will crash. When I try to right-lick the IE10 icon on the AMM taskbar to pin it, AMM will crash. The tray icon on the main taskbar is still there. I need to exit and re-launch AMM to enable the AMM taskbar again. This is a critical issue that needs to be resolved soon.

The clock display does not contain the date as the native taskbar (see the screenshot). This is a minor issue.

There is a new bug in version 4.3. It randomly free the desktop and both the main native and AMM taskbars. Some notification tray icons will be blank. I have to exit AMM to make the system responsive. At the end, I have to uninstall version 4.3 and roll back to 4.2. This is a very critical issue that needs to be resolved asap.


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/28/2012 02:08:40
Yisheng Xu, you wrote:
When I try to unpin the control panel icon on the AMM taskbar, which I pinned from Version 4.2, AMM will crash
- did you mean the same icons which is on the screenshot? Could you remember what exactly icons they were?

What version of Win 8 are you running - 32 or 64-bit?

Are you able to pin new icons and how do they look?

Have you tried to increase the size of elements to 100% - what happens then with the corrupted icons?

What do you see when clicking on these icons with right mouse click?

Try to unpin them this way:
Reset your AMM taskbar by deleting the "taskbar states" key in the following register path using regedit.exe:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Actual Tools\Actual Multiple Monitors\Command Center\Plugins\MultimonTaskbar

It will remove ALL pinned icons from the AMM taskbar.

Please send us the backup of your configuration manually (Tools > Configuration > Backup).

I can confirm the issue with clock tool bar, we'll try to fix it.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/06/2012 03:07:25
Hello Yisheng Xu.

I'm glad to inform you that the subject issue - corrupted taskbar icons - was fixed. You will able to see the fix in the next beta version which will be released soon.

Best regards.

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