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Topic: «[DONE] Request: Use keyboard modifiers to temp override Ghost » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 10636
Ron Kellam
Posts: 4
Joined: 07/03/2006
Posted: 07/03/2006 21:34:56

I love your Ghost feature, but would really like to see it enhanced so that a temporary bypass of the ghosted stated could be acheived by holding down certain keyboard modifiers.

i.e. If something like Ctrl-Win was held down as I mouse over a ghosted program, then the mouse events would operate on that program.

This would enable quick and easy resize, move, close, etc, of a ghosted program without resorting to the app's taskbar right-click menu.

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1437
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 07/04/2006 09:35:10
Ron, thanks for your interest to our software.

Actually, now there is a hotkey which allows to toggle ghost state (Win+G by default); so you can quickly unghost a window, then move/resize it, then ghost it again.

Please try this way and say is it better or worse than yours suggested.
Ron Kellam
Posts: 4
Joined: 07/03/2006
Posted: 07/05/2006 03:00:33
Hi Alexey,

I've tried Win-G, and found that to unghost a window I first have to select it's taskbar entry (so AWM knows which app to apply the Win-G to).  This really isn't much more convenient than turning ghost off in the right-click taskbar entry menu.  

What I propose is far more temporary, and quicker to invoke - no going to the taskbar.  It would be especially useful to quickly close/resize/move a ghosted app without formally unghosting it first.

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1437
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 07/06/2006 02:45:07
Hi Ron,

So, if I understand you right, you are proposing the following mode: when you tap the so-called "Cancel Ghost" key combination and move your mouse cursor over any window, this window is unghosted temporarily while the cursor hovers it. In other words, this could be named as "Temporarily cancel ghost mode while mouse-hovering". Did I understand you correctly?

By the way, in the near future we plan to include the "Interactive title bar while ghosted" feature into Actual Tools. It will allow to use the title bar of a ghosted window as usual while the rest of window stays transparent for the mouse clicks.
Ron Kellam
Posts: 4
Joined: 07/03/2006
Posted: 07/06/2006 19:39:00
Alexey Fadeyev wrote:
So, if I understand you right, you are proposing the following mode: when you tap the so-called "Cancel Ghost" key combination and move your mouse cursor over any window, this window is unghosted temporarily while the cursor hovers it. In other words, this could be named as "Temporarily cancel ghost mode while mouse-hovering". Did I understand you correctly?

Yep - you understood right.  The concept could also include "Temporarily cancel transparency mode while mouse-hovering".  I find that if I ghost a window, that I also tend to have it on about 70%-80% transparency.

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1437
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 08/08/2006 08:53:31
Well, I have added your suggestion to our tasklist. We will consider this feature in the near future.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1437
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 09/10/2006 22:46:51
The feature is implemented; see the last beta to check it out. We plan to include this feature into the next 4.2 version of Actual Tools.

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