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Topic: «The virtual desktop - realising its potential » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 6467
Posts: 25
Joined: 05/07/2009
Posted: 05/09/2010 05:56:19
Virtual Desktops could be developed to allow Windows users to work in a genuinely task-oriented way for the first time.

The current AWM product provides the kernel of what is needed:
  • the ability to create a selection of programs/tools appropriate to a task, including an explorer window showing a directory containing data relevant to the task). and to name these according to the task they support. (in Virtual Desktops)
  • the ability to switch to and from this selection of tools and to find them as you left them, with data loaded (in mid-task). (In Virtual Desktops)
  • proper window and layout control, inc startup window control. (In the rest of AWM)

The following developments would be needed to exploit this potential:
  • the named selections of programs/tools (representing tasks) and loaded datafiles need still to be there (as you left them) after a reboot.
  • for each named selection you also need the ability to save 'standard' program selections, loaded datafiles, and window layouts, and revert to these on request.

I guess this could form yet another separately marketable product for actual window tools. Actual Tasks? Corporate sales possible perhaps due to obvious efficiency links?

(BTW I do not claim any originality for this idea - it has a very long history going back to Zerox Parc 'Rooms'. But I have never seen a good Windows implementation which works 'with' Windows to provide it, most attempts have tried to completely replace explorer.exe - which causes endless problems!.)

Also note that the functionality which would need to be added has been proposed by others in these forums, suggesting that users are groping towards a form of task-oriented computing with the current AWM facilities.

Best wishes


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