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Topic: «preset explorer configuration , preset explorer configuration » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 3865
vince nelson
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Joined: 12/23/2011
Posted: 12/23/2011 13:23:59
i copy a lot of files thru the explorer window.  i am a very organized person.  my "file copy procedure" is to open 2 explorer windows, side by side, each taking up half of the screen.  i then move files from the left pane (source) to the right pane (destination).

several problems:

1.  every time i open the explorer windows i have to open 2 windows which means 2 clicks.  this in and of itself is not much of a problem until it is combined with the following:

2.  when i click to open the explorer window, the window i located in some random part of the screen, in some random size.  i believe your software, as is, can fix part of this issue.  with your software i can probably get 1 explorer window to open in a specific location on the monitor, with a specific size.  but....

3. i need 2 explorer windows open at the same time, and placed on opposite sides of the screen.  i havent mastered your software yet but i believe that by assigning a size and location to the explorer window on opening, your software would put the first explorer window (as per actualwindow configuration) in a certain location on the screen, and when i open the second explorer window i would assume that actualwindows would put the second window on top of the first window.  i dont see a configuration option to open two of the same identical windows in different locations on the screen.

4. currently when explorer does open, in addition to being placed at random locations and at random sizes somewhere on the screen, it also opens the folder tree in random ways, leading to the problem that explorer is not focused on the folders i typically need.  it usually opens to program files or system files or some other random file location.

recap:  so i end up opening explorer twice, relocating, resizing, and then closing a bunch of file folders to find the ones i need to copy to and from.  and THEN i can start to do actual work.

feature request:  so i need to click one button that activates a preset explorer configuration which would open 2 identical explorer windows, with both explorer windows simultaneously pre-sized to half the screen each, with me being able to also set the initial opening configuration to keep all the unnecessary program and system folders closed and to focus on a particular file or folder, (which in my typical case would be to focused on mydocuments) on opening.

i waste so much of my time just opening, relocation, resizing, then opening again, resizing and relocating, and then refocusing both explorer windows to the needed files it seems that i cant ever actually get any work done.

ideally to copy files (for example) from mypicutres to a zip drive the procedure would be:

click explorer (one time), then in the left explorer window click mydocuments> click mypicutres, then in the right explorer window click "zip drive", and then just copy files over to zip.

it should easily be set up to copy in less than 20 seconds.  as it is now it takes a couple of minutes just to set up to copy.  do this 10 or 15 times a day and im wasting a half an hour or more just opening and setting explorer windows to a logical copy configuration, with no actual work getting done.  

if this feature is already available in your current software, please direct me to a starting point to set this up.  if it is not available please think about adding it to the software.  

i will immediately purchase multiple licenses for my computers if and when this is available.

thanx for your consideration.

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 12/27/2011 23:18:46
Hello Vince,

Thanks for the post.

We'll consider your request.

Now you could configure Specific Settings (Actual Window Manager -> Window Settings -> Specific settings) for a first opened explorer window pre-size to half the screen.

You could use Aero Snapping (Actual Window Manager -> Actions -> Options -> Window Snapping) for changing a second opened explorer window size and position (to half the screen).

Best regards.

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