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Topic: «Triggering Actions , Seeking a way to automatically execute actions without keyboard shortcuts » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 4313
Gaines K
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Posted: 03/11/2021 05:00:18
I love the level of control Actual Window Manager provides over my desktop layout, but am surprised after so much development that there still doesn't seem to be any way of automating actions outside of the window startup/closing events.

For instance, I wanted to access the same application from multiple virtual desktops and could probably create an action to move the application to a different virtual desktop after switching, but can't find any way to trigger this action.

While monitoring for when the user switches virtual desktops is something that I expect can only be accomplished by AWM, a option that might be easier to implement would be calling an event from the command line similarly to how the argument "dp" can be used to activate a desktop profile. That would allow another application or batch file to trigger actions by calling "ActualWindowManagerCenter.exe A ActionName", such as reconfiguring other windows when a specific application is launched.

Is anything like this in the works or has anyone found a workaround to accomplish it?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/18/2021 02:32:06
Hello, Gaines

Thank you for contacting us.

there still doesn't seem to be any way of automating actions outside of the window startup/closing events.
There are several actions that can use other events as triggers, for example Transparency and Roll up features.

Have you tried the "Move to > all virtual desktops" action, which makes the window persist on all virtual desktops? Does it not suit your needs?

Also, have you considered enabling the "Switch to the target virtual desktop" option in the menu of the "Move to virtual desktop" title button and move the window you need instead of just switching to the virtual desktops?

That would allow another application or batch file to trigger actions by calling "ActualWindowManagerCenter.exe A ActionName", such as reconfiguring other windows when a specific application is launched.
Could you clarify what exactly actions you would like to see available for using via the command line? What excatly reconfiguring of windows you mean?

Could you provide examples of possible trigger events you would like to see in the program and the actions that can be assigned to these events?

Best regards.

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