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Topic: «Retain focus in application » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 7253
Vikas Sethi
Registered user
Posts: 11
Joined: 01/12/2007
Posted: 05/16/2007 08:30:57
One of my biggest use of AWM is "Stay On Top" feature. I use FeedDeamon as my RSSreader and is Always on Top property is set to True along with the Freeze feature. The idea is that when I find some RSS feed good, I just press Enter in my keypad and the item should open in explorer but FeedDeamon should always remain on top because at one point of time, I read more than 100 feed headings in FeedDeamon and open only few in IE. So this saves me a lot of time in swapping between FeedDeamon and IE. So far so good.

Now there is an irritation in this process. As soon as I double click a feed or press Enter key on a feed to open it in IE - although FeedDeamon remains on top, the focus goes away to IE. Consequently, I have to use my mouse to retain the focus back to FeedDeamon.

Can there be a feature along with "Always on Top" feature which also gets the focus back on the window which has that feature enabled. That will be a great time saver.

Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 05/17/2007 06:21:01
Thank you for your feature request Vikas. We will have to consider the possibility of such feature.
Vikas Sethi
Registered user
Posts: 11
Joined: 01/12/2007
Posted: 05/17/2007 06:28:26
Wonderful. Thanks, I appreciate this.

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