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Topic: «Image paths: Desktop and Screen Saver » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 3138
Charlie Markwick
Registered user
Posts: 43
Joined: 11/25/2012
Posted: 12/06/2012 08:51:51
I am really loving this program. The ability to pin the size, position and always on topness etc. for programs is really helping my work flow. Roll up is great too.

However my request is about relation not work!!

I'm revelling in having changing pictures on both the desktop and the screen saver without having to enter that turgid world of Windows indexing, MS are definitely going mad I think. It great too to be able to have different pictures cycling though on each monitor, icing on the cake. I have 1000s of family photos of children, grand children and great grandchildren and of course many other subjects from our past. It's wonderful to seem them. So to my request:-

Often I see a picture and think oh yes now "when/where/who is that" and then it's gone and I'm left with no idea how to start looking for it. Could we have an option to show the path and name of the picture on the screen say overlaying the bottom of the image?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/06/2012 22:10:34
Hello Charlie.

We'll consider your request.

Best regards.
Charlie Markwick
Registered user
Posts: 43
Joined: 11/25/2012
Posted: 03/10/2014 15:59:56
Thanks for implementing this. It's great.

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