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Topic: «Put windows back after re-enabling secondary monitors? , requested by Eric Gooch » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 3458
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/01/2012 00:38:47
I've been using another program for a while to handle working with multiple monitors (I use 3), but will probably be replacing it with Actual Window Manager, as it's capable of doing a lot more.

However, there is one thing I've gotten used to with the other program that I'd like to see with AWM. When I use the "Disable Secondary Monitors" feature, all of the windows get moved to my main monitor (which one would expect.)
But when I later use the "Enable All Secondary Monitors", all my windows stay piled up on the main monitor.

It would be nice if it remembered the position of all the windows right before it disabled the monitors, and then put them back where they were once they're re-enabled. (That's what my other program does.)

I saw the Windows Layout|Keep Automatically menu item and thought that's what that might do, but it looks like that does something else, as it just moved things around in a strange way.

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/01/2012 00:41:39
I created this post because accidentally deleted this feature request by Eric Gooch.

Eric, we'll consider this feature request. :)

Best regards.
just me
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Posted: 02/04/2012 09:21:37

I have the same type of request:

At work for example, I am working on notepad with a classic lcd screen as secondary display, but when I need to go to meetings, I use only notedap and if will be great to retrieve my windows on my secondary screen when I reconnect it later.

Same thing at home : to be able to disconnect from work, put notepad in standby, and reconnect it at home on a secondary external screen without lost of windows.

In fact it will be great to have following possibility:

When secondary is disconnected, option to automatically put windows previously externalized on secondary screen to primary one, and when secondary screen is reconnected, option to automatically relocate these windows on external screen.

PS:AWM is a definitively a great program ;)
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/06/2012 23:25:17

Thanks for the message.

You request is added to our list of feature requests.

Best regards.
Scott McClannahan
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Posted: 12/10/2012 10:00:01
I also have a similar request.  Many times when I am traveling I will login to my multiple monitor environment via RDP, which converts everything to one monitor.  It would be nice if there was a quick key for repositioning all windows to their "Default" position and size.  It would also be great if there were a way to do this for a single window.  That way when I moved a specific window around, I could use a hotkey to put everything "back to normal".

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/11/2012 01:21:47
Hello Scott.

It would be nice if there was a quick key for repositioning all windows to their "Default" position and size.
"Default" position - is it for the settings for these windows or just for their last positions before moving to other monitor?

If you're talking about the settings, you need just to stop/start our program and it apply the settings to the windows. For the single window you can re-apply the settings (F5 key or window menu item).

Best regards.

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