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Topic: «Start Launch a program or a file , Need instructions please » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6548
Andre Hofstatter
Posts: 12
Joined: 03/09/2010
Posted: 03/09/2010 14:14:55
Hi Support,
I'm trying to setup the  Options/ Start a Program ...Pre defined Shortcuts page... but after trying 5 times and failed to launch any think... can you please help me and tell me how to fill the field on your setting page?
    I attached a pdf file showing how I wrongly did, my goal is after open the computer have these programs and files open=launched  by Actual  on my desktop ... I do have 3 virtual desktops set and on Window Settings I specified where these 5 pre defined shortcuts suppose to go after started.
    I could not understand if I do need the a command line parameter and if YES witch one to use at all ?  
    I did read the help manual but could not work it out to make it really work, sorry. my version is 5.4

    Please see attatch pic of WAM page and if you can give instructions please be the more detailed as possible.

Thank you, I do love this software.

Andre Hofstater.
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 03/10/2010 19:54:13

AWM does not allow to start some arbitrary programs at Windows startup. There's not such function yet.
It only allows to lauchch some application when some specific window appears.
This feature is mostly needed for some kind of logging or post-processing, when some application window appears on the screen.

If you'd like to auto-start your applications when your Windows session starts, you simply need to create links (shortcuts) to these applications in Programs\Startup sub-menu of the Start menu.
Now, if you'd also like these applications to appear on some of AWM's virtual desktops, you need to create specific window rules for these applications' windows, enable Move to Virtual Desktop option in the Startup tab of these rules, and then choose which virtual desktops the applications should appear on.

Is this what you are trying to do, or have I misunderstood you?
Andre Hofstatter
Posts: 12
Joined: 03/09/2010
Posted: 03/12/2010 13:58:28
Hello Alex,

It is only the specific windows created in AWM 5.4 that I would like to launch and not arbitrary not random windows at all. I see that AWM does it, it says on the manual should be use to launch, if there is a way can you show me how to do since I could not make it ?

   ps: I already created the specific window rules for these applications' windows, enable Move to Virtual Desktop option in the Startup tab of these rules, and then choose which virtual desktops the applications should appear on.
   How to complete details on OPTIONS-START PROGRAMS-PRE DEFINED SHORTCUTS and make it work ?   :)   Andre
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 03/14/2010 23:38:45

AWM's windows rules are not meant for launching those applications, which are mentioned in the window rules.

The window rules are necessary to provide some actions with those applications' windows. And they (rules) are applied when and only when those windows are open.
No application window - no object to whom a window rule can be applied to.

Some actions can be performed, when the window is shown for the first time since the application launch. They are listed in Startup tab of a window rule. One of those actions is called "Start program", and in the details of that action, you can specify to start some other program to be executed, when the window rule is applied.

For example, if you have some Application1, with main window titled WindowTitle1, you can create a new window rule for that window.
You can then enable "Start program" option in Start tab of that window rule, and specify Application2 in the Target field.
Now, if you start your Application1, and WindowTitle1 opens, AWM would automatically launch your Application2. That's it. This feature is not meant for lauching Application1 itself.

As for Options -> Start programs page, it necessary to
1. add the items shown, when you press Predefined button in Start programs parameters block of the window rule;
2. add the shortcuts to Start program caption button (if this button is enabled).

I hope this explanation makes the things a bit clearer :)

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