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Topic: «[FIXED] ObjectDock interferes with transparencies.... » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 9791
Xizor - (guest)
Posted: 12/10/2005 23:17:15

I just tried out the transparency program. All is well, excep that I am using Objectdock, and anytime I maximize a transparent window, I get a huge black bar across the bottome (where the objectdock is). I have ATI Radeon Mobility 9700, using Omega ATI drivers, whatever the latest version is...

Any ideas to fix this? thanks.
Posted: 12/10/2005 23:19:14
Also the XP start menu is blacked out unless I hover over a menu option...
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/16/2006 05:13:05
Dear Xizor.

Yes, there ObjectDock's compatibility problem still exists, but now we're working on our next major update of Actual Tools, and this problem is one of the most important things in our "to-do" list. So, please, be patient and wait for 4.0 release.
Tobiel Sayre
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Posted: 01/26/2006 09:26:06
In the meantime, using ActWinMan 3.8, and ObjectDock plus together, and also having ATI on a laptop with 512DDR RAM, it helped me to do the following, dont know why, but anyway:

1.) Do not switch on first ActWinMan and then Object Dock, instead first Object Dock, then ActWinMan 3.8

2.) Then maximizing transparent windows works (with a windowblinds skin applied, by the way, but sometimes I get another side effect up in left upper corner. This goes away after refreshing the desktop wall or changing to a new. All side effects are gone then, and maximizing transparent windows still works

In the future, though, I must admit using a new graphics card and a better RAM will probably help me even more. Especially if new GPU (graphics processor unit) is made for 64bit.

Technically, Object Dock plus behaves like an animation, meaning you cant see it in normal screenshots. It already is somewhat adapted to 64bit I think.

Some rumors I picked up when talking to private German programming friends were, related to Vista, but this I cant guarantee for being true:

Depending on how Microsoft manages to cooperate with DVD drive manufacturers as to driver standards supporting Vista which way or not, Vista might be better for supporting 64bit, but some new DVD drives might have problems with 32 bit then.

At this point, I think we should have a bit of patience and each user might be selecting what is best for them in the OS field if keeping to more 32bit things is first priority (XP/Vista, other OS´s).

More interesting challenges coming our way! Some might just be met with use of a 2nd external DVD drive if thats the only issue. (Just an amateur comment on the side.)

Normally, in Stardock(maker of Object Dock) forums, if you enter your problem, some users and wizops might also have tips for you and appreciate your reports for future improvements. Object Dock plus even has a report generator for problems you encounter to send a report to them.

Best way to get into the stardock forums if you are a registered customer: from free download tool SD central, gets you to special places inside the Stardock, WinCustomize or JoeUser Forums.

SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/16/2006 07:05:30
The described issue was finally fixed in the version 4.3 of Actual Tools.

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