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Topic: «@-key no longer responding , When AWM is running my @-key does nothing. » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2913
Posts: 5
Joined: 06/24/2020
Posted: 03/07/2024 15:11:45
When Actual Windows Manager is running I can not type @ (at-sign).

As soon as I exit AWM I can type @ to my heart's content.

This started recently and I didn't use to have any problems before.

I have upgraded to DOpus 13, running the beta-version which (otherwise?) co-exist nicely with AWM.
I don't have any reason to believe that DOpus is at fault here, but just in case...

If I exit AWM and keep running DOpus @-key works.
If I exit DOpus and keep running AWM @-key does not work.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem while still being able to use AWM?

    Windows 10 64-bit
    Actual Windows Manager 8.15
    OS language: UK
    Region: DK
    Keyboard: DK (the @-key is reachable through ALT GR + 2)
    Directory Opus 13.3.5 (Beta) Build 8830 x64


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/12/2024 01:38:32
Hello, Vargr

Thank you for contacting us.

Do you mean that the problem started right after the DOpus update?

Do other special symbols you can reach via "AltGr +" combination work or do they not work either?

Could you send us your Actual Window Manager configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (AWM configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support)? Add a link to this topic in the email.

Best regards.
Greg Webb
Posts: 141
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 03/12/2024 06:40:16
I have Actual Windows Manager and D'Opus 13 (not beta) running with Win 10.

I have no problem with typing the at symbol (@) with and without AWM or D'Opus 13.

Hope this helps.

(So far, no clash between AWM and D'Opus.)

Posts: 5
Joined: 06/24/2020
Posted: 03/15/2024 03:18:46
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Do you mean that the problem started right after the DOpus update?

Do other special symbols you can reach via "AltGr +" combination work or do they not work either?

Could you send us your Actual Window Manager configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (AWM configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support)? Add a link to this topic in the email.

Sorry for the late reply.

I am not sure if it started with the upd ate of DOpus but it was around that time. I mentioned it because DOpus and AWM clashed. It was later solved when DOpus pushed out an update addressing this problem.

The AT-sign (located on ALT GR + 2) and the pound-sign (located on ALT GR + 3) does not work. The $ (located on ALT GR + 4) works, as well as {[]}|\~. This is using a DK-keyboard with the region se t to DK.

I have sent the configuration file as requested.

Thank you for looking into this.


   Windows 10 64-bit
   Actual Windows Manager 8.15
   OS language: UK
   Region: DK
   Keyboard: DK (the @-key is reachable through ALT GR + 2)
   Directory Opus 13.3.5 (Beta) Build 8830 x64


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/18/2024 12:55:31

Could you disable the hotkeys for both Desktop Divider layouts and see whether the problem stops (Configuration module > Layout and Snap > Desktop Divider > Tile Layouts > "Enable Hotkey" option for each layout). Let us know the results.
Posts: 5
Joined: 06/24/2020
Posted: 03/18/2024 23:32:33
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:

Could you disable the hotkeys for both Desktop Divider layouts and see whether the problem stops (Configuration module > Layout and Snap > Desktop Divider > Tile Layouts > "Enable Hotkey" option for each layout). Let us know the results.

Oh, that was the culprit.

I wasn't aware that Windows sees CTRL+ALT as ALT GR. Then it all makes sense.

Since this is how Windows interpretates the keyboard there seems to be nothing wrong with AWM - I simply have to find different short cuts.

Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction!

For those interested, Wikipedia has this to say about it:

Windows interprets Ctrl+Alt as AltGr, to accommodate some compact keyboards like those of netbooks which have neither the AltGr key nor a right-hand Alt key. Thus Ctrl+Alt+a has the same effect as AltGr+a. Because of this feature, Microsoft advises that Ctrl+Alt not be used as part of any application keyboard shortcut, as it would prevent typing the matching AltGr character on such keyboards.[6][a]




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