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Topic: «Problems and suggestions for minimizing and window thumbnails. » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1938
Martin Weber
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Joined: 01/14/2021
Posted: 02/08/2024 05:06:46

I find this feature very useful and with some potential. I have found several problems and suggestions for improvements.

First of all: The settings for these functions are very confusing (three or more places in the settings) and unclear (not always understandable and comprehensible what each setting applies to), also because they often do not work consistently. After many hours I am now slowly getting an overview.

1) The thumbnails/icons (as well as the title buttons) often do not react (no matter whether by clicking directly or via the right-click menu)!

2) <Minimizing Property Sheet>: Minimize to tray & to screen only works inconsistently. The windows are often minimized to the taskbar anyway.

3) "Save position"

3.1) <Minimizing Property Sheet> (setting "Save position" missing): minimize to screen-position very unstable and unclear. sometimes at (possibly) saved position or position of last thumbnail/icon, inscrutable.

3.2) <Title Buttons Property Sheet>: If "Save position" is deactivated, the icon/thumbnail is positioned under the mouse pointer. If "Save position" is activated, but no position has been saved yet, it is positioned where the last (other) icon/thumbnail was positioned. this is confusing and often it has to be searched for first (with many windows / nothing minimized for a long time).


a) The window should also be positioned under the mouse pointer if the saved position is missing.

b) Further settings: Icon/thumbnail position in the center of the window (of the minimized window) / specific area of the monitor / specific divider (depending on the program).

4) "Permanent" (Great function!) and thumbnail size

4.1) <Minimizing Property Sheet> "Permanent" is missing

4.2) <Title Buttons Property Sheet> ("Permanent" is missing): all (even already opened) instances of a program get icons/thumbnails! This should be an option, but not the default behavior (problem with many instances).

4.3) middle mouse button on icon/thumbnail if "permanent" is deactivated: icon/thumbnail does not always disappear.

4.4) if "permanent" is deactivated, the thumbnails adapt to the size of the window (when minimized). if "permanent" is activated, the thumbnails do not adapt to the size of the window (only at startup).


a) if "permanent" is activated: option to create thumbnail/icon automatically at startup or only when minimized (especially if only desired by title button).

b) option to set the size of the thumbnails: automatic adjustment to window (when thumbnail is created/synchronous change) / manual change / constant (adjustable) size (even if "permanent" is deactivated).

c) Option to set with right-click on thumbnail: activate/deactivate on top.

d) Possibility to adjust window settings from the thumbnail.

5) Transparency of thumbnails is not constantly saved/not saved. Possibility to set the transparency of the thumbnails in the property sheets.

With many windows it is often difficult to recognize which thumbnail/icon is connected to it.


Visual help (effect showing the connection between window and mini > e.g. flashing of the window frame when clicking or moving over thumbnail and vice versa, or when minimizing)

7) If a window has been dragged to the edge of the screen so that it takes up half the screen, then minimized and then restored, it no longer takes up half the screen but has its original size and position.

8) Notepad++ (8.6.2, 64-bit)

If "Permanent" is activated:

a) Two identical menus appear when right-clicking on thumbnail.

b) Word-suggestion-window also appears on thumbnail and extends beyond it.

Actual Windows Manager 8.15
Windows 10 22H2 Build 19054.3930
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/04/2024 11:37:07
Hello, Martin

Thank you for contacting us.

The settings for these functions are very confusing (three or more places in the settings) and unclear (not always understandable and comprehensible what each setting applies to), also because they often do not work consistently.
Now that you were able to get rid of the inconsistency problem could you clarify what exactly minimizing settings are confusing is your opinion?

1) The thumbnails/icons (as well as the title buttons) often do not react (no matter whether by clicking directly or via the right-click menu)!
I suppose this problem has been fixed too with getting rid of the inconsistency problem.

2) <Minimizing Property Sheet>: Minimize to tray & to screen only works inconsistently. The windows are often minimized to the taskbar anyway.
Does this problem still persist? Specify the applications you have this problem with.

3.1) <Minimizing Property Sheet> (setting "Save position" missing): minimize to screen-position very unstable and unclear. sometimes at (possibly) saved position or position of last thumbnail/icon, inscrutable.
It seems like you were talking about the Minimizing section of Default Settings, where the Save Position option is indeed not available. Do you mean you need this option in Default Settings?
As for "unstable and unclear" you need to distinguish the minimize feature with "Save position" enabled and disabled/unavailable. For the former it places the screen icon in the middle of the right window border for the first time per Specific Settings and then it remembers the position of the icon wherever you move it to. For the latter it places the screen icon where the mouse pointer is.

4.1) <Minimizing Property Sheet> "Permanent" is missing
It seems here you also were talking about Default Settings? Do you need this option in Default Settings? Do you understand that in this case there may be too many screen icons in the system - an icon for each window to which Default Settings are applied?

4.2) <Title Buttons Property Sheet> ("Permanent" is missing): all (even already opened) instances of a program get icons/thumbnails! This should be an option, but not the default behavior (problem with many instances).
Could you clarify what you mean by this? The point of the option "Permanent" is so that an icon is displayed permanently for a window. Isn't not enabling this option a solution for your request?

4.3) middle mouse button on icon/thumbnail if "permanent" is deactivated: icon/thumbnail does not always disappear.
Could you clarify what you mean by this? Do you use middle mouse button click on a screen icon to close the window? Did you read somewhere about this mouse action?

c) Option to set with right-click on thumbnail: activate/deactivate on top.
Did you mean the thumbnails own On Top state?

d) Possibility to adjust window settings from the thumbnail.
Did you mean the ability to open the Actual Window Manager settings editor to edit the settings that are applied to the window?

7) If a window has been dragged to the edge of the screen so that it takes up half the screen, then minimized and then restored, it no longer takes up half the screen but has its original size and position.
I was unable to reproduce this problem. What exactly applications you've noticed the problem with?

8) Notepad++ (8.6.2, 64-bit) If "Permanent" is activated: a) Two identical menus appear when right-clicking on thumbnail. b) Word-suggestion-window also appears on thumbnail and extends beyond it.
I was unable to reproduce this problem either. Could you send us screenshots depicting the problems with Notepad++?

3.2) <Title Buttons Property Sheet>: If "Save position" is deactivated, the icon/thumbnail is positioned under the mouse pointer. If "Save position" is activated, but no position has been saved yet, it is positioned where the last (other) icon/thumbnail was positioned. this is confusing and often it has to be searched for first (with many windows / nothing minimized for a long time).
a) The window should also be positioned under the mouse pointer if the saved position is missing.

b) Further settings: Icon/thumbnail position in the center of the window (of the minimized window) / specific area of the monitor / specific divider (depending on the program).

4.4) if "permanent" is deactivated, the thumbnails adapt to the size of the window (when minimized). if "permanent" is activated, the thumbnails do not adapt to the size of the window (only at startup).

b) option to set the size of the thumbnails: automatic adjustment to window (when thumbnail is created/synchronous change) / manual change / constant (adjustable) size (even if "permanent" is deactivated).

5) Transparency of thumbnails is not constantly saved/not saved. Possibility to set the transparency of the thumbnails in the property sheets.

Visual help (effect showing the connection between window and mini > e.g. flashing of the window frame when clicking or moving over thumbnail and vice versa, or when minimizing)

We'll consider adding these features and will post here if any of them are added.

Best regards.

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