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Topic: «Minimizing to screen , Concerning various situations » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1848
Johan Daanje
Posts: 28
Joined: 01/27/2020
Posted: 01/29/2024 02:51:50
I like the possibility to minimize my tools to screen very much but:

When i restart my computer the icons (i put them on permanent) are gone and i can
start again.
Even with some programs like OpenOffice (spreadsheets) are not staying.
When will this work like it should be?
And why are my windows not full screen (its only happening when using AWM).
I would be very happy.
Why are the icons in the menubar of firefox mostly so enomous small?

Thank you,
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/08/2024 23:52:01
Hello, Johan

Thank you for contacting us.

There is a request from you of the ability of AWM to remember the "minimized to screen" state of windows upon restart of AWM, not upon restart of computer. We'll notify you if it's implemented. Do you need this feature to work even upon restart of computer?

When i restart my computer the icons (i put them on permanent) are gone and i can start again.
As for the "Permanent" option for the screen icon feature - do you mean the icon doesn't appear even if you start the program for which this option is enabled? Or you expect the icons appear without starting the programs? As the description of the option reads "Icon will appear when window is opened".

Even with some programs like OpenOffice (spreadsheets) are not staying.
You're talking about OpenOffice Calc application, right? Could you describe the problem more detailed? What is special about this problem?

And why are my windows not full screen (its only happening when using AWM).
Why are the icons in the menubar of firefox mostly so enomous small?
Please provide more information on these problems too. Screenshots would be helpful.

Best regards.

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