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Topic: «Crash when new monitor disconnects/reconnects » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2507
seth best
Posts: 1
Joined: 04/04/2023
Posted: 04/04/2023 01:34:41
I have 2 monitors and a TV hooked up to my system. Monitors are for work, TV is for gaming. This app seemed like the solution to this setup, where I'd constantly be juggling windows between monitors and adjusting "primary display" to get games set properly.

If I have all screens on it works great. If I have all on and then turn the TV off it still works fine. If I then turn the TV back on more than half of the time Windows freezes (explorer specifically) and with a lot of greying out of things and loading icons for the cursor nothing works until I end task to shut down Actual Multiple Monitors. After the application is killed (usually tricky as the task manager often becomes non-responsive for periods of time while this is going on) Everything starts working again and I can re-launch the application and get the Actual Multiple Monitors task bars back again.

Is there a way to handle adding removing a monitor on the fly?

Actual Multiple Monitors 8.14.7 (Trial mode)
Windows 10 64-bit professional
GTX 1070 Video card
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/11/2023 08:19:05
Hello, seth

Thank you for contacting us.

How exactly do you turn off/on the TV? Do you turn it on/off using the power button?

Could you see whether the TV is still displayed as connected to the computer (turned off) in Windows display settings after you turn it off? Make sure you re-open the settings window after you disable the TV if you have it open.

What interfaces you use to connect the monitors and the TV to the computer (HDMI, DisplayPort etc.)?

Could you reproduce the problem and try to see what processes in the Details tab of Task Manager are marked as "not responding"? Are some of the Actual Multiple Monitors processes (their names begin with "ActualMultipleMonitors...") marked this way?

Best regards.

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