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Topic: «Actual Title Buttons - not working » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 10827
antik filosov
Posts: 4
Joined: 03/07/2023
Posted: 03/07/2023 17:32:12
All functionalities of Actual Title Buttons not working on some 3th party apps, for example : Visual Studio 2019/2022, Google Chrome, CCleaner, Kate(, Total Uninstall and so on.

But Actual Title Buttons working on some 3th party apps, for example : Telegrams desktop client, Iron browser(chromium browser) and etc.

With some of built-in apps again working good: Windows Explorer, Text editor, Run(Win+R) and etc.
But with some of built-in apps no one functionality is working : Services(services.msc), Disk management(diskmgmt.msc) and etc.

* Apps which i said, all of them is on their latest/newest version.

User added an image

* How can i fix my problem? or its application side problem? if its app side problem, u planning to fix? cuz like this its little bit useless, but there is no good alternative to this app. I will wait for answer, thanks.

Actual Title Buttons 8.14.7
Windows 10 1809 LTSC x64 (i see same problem in new versions - 21h2 - of windows)
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/12/2023 05:31:18
Hello, antik

Thank you for contacting us.

Are some settings enabled that can be applied to these applications - Default Settings or specific settings for these particular applications (AWM configuraton module > Window Settings > Default Settings/Specific Settings)?

If settings are enabled and title buttons are enabled in the settings but the settings are not applied then this is probably because the "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option wasn't enabled during the installation of Actual Window Minimizer and you start the applications with elevated rights. You can see whether the option is enabled by starting the AWM installation process - the option is in the second setup window.

If the option is disabled try to enable it and complete the installation. You can install it right over the already installed version - your other settings won't be changed. Let us know if it helps.

Best regards.
antik filosov
Posts: 4
Joined: 03/07/2023
Posted: 03/12/2023 19:09:48
If with AWM u mean Actual Window Manager then i never used this app, im using only Actual Title Buttons.

I reinstalled Actual Title Buttons but this time i not changed app installation path, and when installing i checked checkbox something like: "Activate Actual Title Buttons for system apps". After this, i cant open the app i got 2 new errors:
* error 1 when opening "ActualTitleButtonsCenter.exe" : "Site returned url"   - error with message something like this.
* error 2 when opening "ActualTitleButtonsConfig.exe" : "ShellExecuteEx 8235" - error with message something like this.
> For fix : i opened Property of this 2 files and i checked chexbox : "Always open this app as Admin" :and problem is solved for now, Actual Title Buttons working great with all programs (at least for now, i will say if i will get/have new problem).

antik filosov
Posts: 4
Joined: 03/07/2023
Posted: 03/14/2023 21:35:45
Now problem is, Actual Title Buttons not starting automatically. "C:\Program Files\Actual Title Buttons\ActualTitleButtonsCenter.exe" is on autoruns, + i tried change exe to "ActualTitleButtonsCenter64.exe" but again, app cant start automatically when windows starts, every time i need to run this exe manually, or from i need to press manually Start button on "ActualTitleButtonsConfig.exe" file, how u see in screen.

antik filosov
Posts: 4
Joined: 03/07/2023
Posted: 03/14/2023 22:10:50
Finally, my problem is solved.

i disabled UAC and problem is solved:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

You can close ticket.

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