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Topic: «Mouse click area offset in Microsoft Flight Simulator » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2246
Paul Moxhay
Posts: 6
Joined: 01/19/2015
Posted: 02/07/2023 17:34:25
When I am using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 control of the buttons on the aircraft panel is via clickable "hotspot" areas overlaid onto the button graphics on the panel. This means that when I wish to press a certain button I use the mouse to put the cursor over the button and click... the button is activated.

When I have AWM loaded I cannot do this. Instead I have to click an area about an inch below the button to activate it. It is as if the clickable "hotspot" area is displaced down.

If I exit AWM altogether then the mouse behaves normally in MSFS.

This means that I cannot use Microsoft Flight Simulator and have AWM running and so if this cannot be fixed I may have to ditch AWM and use another product - not what I want because I have used AWM for years and generally love it!

Any help appreciated.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/15/2023 12:08:57
Hello, Paul

Thank you for contacting us.

Is adding an exclusion for the game in Actual Window Manager an option for you or you want to use some features of the program with the game (for example Ignore Deactivation)? Have you tried to create an exclusion for the game? Please note that in order for the game window to be excluded there should be no enabled specific settings for the game.

Best regards.

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