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Topic: «Start Menu not working properly on second monitor , Windows 11 Start Menu problems » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1482
Robert Blanchette
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Posted: 01/31/2023 06:37:00
The start menu on my second monitor is not working properly. When I mouse over it the start button turns blue but clicking on it does nothing. If I click many times on it, it eventually comes up. It will work fine until I move my mouse back to the primary monitor and use an application. After that the bad behavior returns and I can't get the start menu to open up without multiple clicks and a long wait. Something is very wrong with this version of the application. Running Win 11 22H2.

I'm requesting a refund but I wanted to let you know it's an issue. I can get by fine with the built in start menu now that Microsoft modified it to allow separate taskbars on each monitor.


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Posted: 02/10/2023 07:22:19
I'm having the same issue.  Still on Windows 10.  No amount of clicking the start menu does anything for me.

If I disable 'replace system taskbar', it works fine, but that's kind of the reason I bought this software.

Give that a shot, if you'd like, but it isn't a fix.

I've been using the software for years, and I like it.  It's just little bugs like this.  Like my screensaver no longer comes on.  I'm sure that's a separate issue, though.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/16/2023 05:32:44
Hello, everyone

Thank you for contacting us.

Robert, Nissete,

I was unable to reproduce the problem you've described. Could you specify the exact number of your Windows build (type winver in the Search field of the Windows Start menu, press Enter. The window containing the build number will appear).

Are you running any taskbars/start menu enhancement software like Start11 for example?


Also specify what exactly our product you're running (name, version).

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