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Topic: «Logon Screen Changer for Secondary Monitors Not Working , Plugged in a new monitor and this functionality stopped working. » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1374
Andrew A.
Posts: 1
Joined: 12/05/2022
Posted: 12/05/2022 06:04:42
  • Actual Multiple Monitors 8.14.7
  • Windows 10
  • Home 64-bit 22H2

After setting up a new monitor, I can no longer use the Logon Screen function for secondary monitors. I sel ect the monitor I want to use, then add a file, and then nothing happens after.

I went fr om 3 monitors to 2. Is this the cause of the problem?

User added an image
Posts: 28
Joined: 12/16/2016
Posted: 12/14/2022 06:58:13
Hey there. In the video after you double click on the image I don't see the file show up in the 'Slideshow playlist'. Could you try selecting the file and using the 'Open' button to see if it also results in the same issue?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/16/2022 03:40:25
Hello, everyone

Andrew, sorry for the delay in replying to you.

What interface you use to plug the new monitor (HDMI, DisplayPort etc.)?

Have you tried to close and open again the Actual Multiple Monitors configuration module before changing the settings?

Are the displays depicted in the upper part of the Logon Screen section of the configuration module when you go back to 2 monitors?

Could you close the AMM configuration module, connect the 3rd monitor, open the config module again, make sure the problem still persists and send us your configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (AMM configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support). Add a link to this topic in the email.

Best regards.

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