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Topic: «Actual Multipe Monitors keeps moving popups » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 9502
Andreas Rohr

Posts: 3
Joined: 11/14/2022
Posted: 11/14/2022 15:20:45
I'm using Actual Multiple Monitors for some days now and one program is acting a bit strage.
There are pupus that aren't "real" popups with a close button, it's a list of last openend customers and it moves evertime in the the left upper corner.

Is there a way to change that behavior?

I added a pic to show how it looks and where the pop should open.

Actual Multiple Monitors Version: 8.14.7
Windows Version: Windows 10 (22H2 / 19045.2251)


Corneliu GIURGIU
Posts: 71
Joined: 12/07/2010
Posted: 11/14/2022 22:25:36
Have you tried adding an exclusion rule for it in the Window Settings?
Andreas Rohr

Posts: 3
Joined: 11/14/2022
Posted: 11/15/2022 15:05:41
Corneliu GIURGIU wrote:
Have you tried adding an exclusion rule for it in the Window Settings?

As I mentioned above, it's not a real window or popup, so it doesn't have a window titel or window class.

All "real" popups in the program are working fine. See the other screenshot.

Corneliu GIURGIU
Posts: 71
Joined: 12/07/2010
Posted: 11/15/2022 18:26:43
More things are referred to as "windows" than the ones you're used to (eg the main and child windows), such as combo boxes, popup menus, text inputs (microsoft docs on window classes). I can't be sure without having access to the program, but from your screenshot, it seems to be a pop-up menu triggered on the button click, so you could try adding an exception for window class #32768 and your application. I believe that by default AWM does have a exclusion rule for pop-up menus, but I have no idea what your current configuration looks like, so it might be worth a shot. Otherwise you just need to find out the class of that "window" somehow.

Here's a sample project that somewhat mimics your scenario. I have a button which on click opens a pop-up menu at the coordinates of the button. I also created a rule for pop-up menus (window class #32768) that would move them to 30x30, and once I enable it, you'll see that my menu will be moved to those coordinates immediately after being opened, and so will the main window right-click menu  :)

Andreas Rohr

Posts: 3
Joined: 11/14/2022
Posted: 11/15/2022 21:07:24
thanks for your help, but it didn't really work.
I found a workaround: I had to deselect "Put into Divider tile" and had to activate "Move to monitor -> Exactly specified".
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/14/2023 11:21:05
Hello, Andreas

I apologize for such long delay in replying to you.

Apparently this element can be considered a window and it's being treated as a window by Actual Multiple Monitors. You can get more information about this window's properties if you open the Log window of AMM (AMM tray icon context menu > Show log window), enable logging in it and pay attention to the item which appears in the list when you open this list element. Also you can exclude this particular window via the log entry context menu.

Let me know if I may be of any assistance.

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