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Topic: «AMM: Taskbars forced to show accent color » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1604
Jason Broadley
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Posted: 09/30/2022 06:49:06

With the recent 22H2 update of Win11, AMM has started to force the Windows accent color upon the toolbars even if it toggled off in Windows Settings.

If you go to Settings > Personalization > Colors, you can toggle "Show accent color on Start and taskbar" on or off. I have mine toggled OFF.

I normally use Dark Mode, but my accent color is golden yellow (as seen in the following screenshots). Normally, because the above setting is turned off, my taskbars are dark grey (which is the way I want it). However, with the recent Windows update, whenever AMM is running, my taskbars are now golden yellow regardless of how they are toggled in Windows settings, and I can't find anywhere to toggle this in AMM.

Here is what my desktop (with three monitors side-by-side) looks like with AMM paused:

Jason Broadley
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Posted: 09/30/2022 06:49:46
And here is what my desktop looks like now with AMM running:

Jason Broadley
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Posted: 09/30/2022 06:54:19
I forgot to mention: I am running AMM version 8.14.7
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 10/20/2022 21:26:02
Hello Jason,

Thank you for the bug report. Unfortunately, we are unable to confirm the issue on our test platform.

Please clarify the following:

1) do taskbars change their color immediately when you start/resume AMM?

2) what happens if you try to toggle the "Show accent color in taskbar and Start menu" when AMM is running?

3) did you try to switch for a while to a Light visual theme and then restore the Dark theme while AMM is running?

4) do you use any other taskbar extensions along with AMM (like Classic Explorer, Start11, etc.)?
Jason Broadley
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Posted: 11/03/2022 04:41:08

Well, I guess my problem solved itself? I went into my settings to run through your steps... and the problem is gone. I toggled "Show accent color on Start and taskbar" on and off (while AMM was running) and NOW the accent color is gone from the taskbar when I toggle it off. I don't know what fixed it, but I'm glad it's working properly now. If it reoccurs in the future I'll try to document it more thoroughly (with screenshots and such). FWIW, I don't use any other taskbar extensions or modifiers, AMM is the only thing on my system (as far as I know) that affects the taskbar.

Thank you for following up, Alex.

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