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Topic: «Actual Windows Manager Icon Issue » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 7709
Jonathan Cousins
Posts: 1
Joined: 01/06/2021
Posted: 01/06/2021 09:55:32
Not sure if this is a general issue or one related to High DPI monitors.

Just switching from Display Fusion to Actual Windows Manager (preferred) or Actual Multiple Monitors due to high CPU issues with DF and have come up with the following issue.

Using Microsoft Surface Pro 7 and 2 x DELL U2410 monitors.

I've noticed that the Move window etc icons are too close to the standard window icons, so often when wanting to Open a new Tab, I accidentally click on the move window icon.

This is getting extremely annoying and the only thing currently stopping me from making the switch and purchasing AWM.

Is there a simple fix/workaround for this?

Many thanks in advance.


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/06/2021 16:56:16
Hello, Jonathan

Thank you for contacting us.

Do you have this problem with Chrome? Normally, Chrome supports the gradual Compact View mode of the extra title buttons – the buttons are hidden into the Compact View button 1-by-1/shown again if there is not enought space/enough space again in the title bar (for example as Chrome tabs reach the buttons or if you close some tabs and there is a free space again).

If for some reason the gradual Compact View mode doesn't work you can enable the manual Compact View mode in the specific settings for Chrome in AWM (or AMM) configuration module (Window Settings > Specific Settings > specific settings for Chrome > Title Buttons > Compact view). In this case all the buttons are always hidden into the Compact view button and you can unhide them by clicking the Compact view button.

As for the problem: what version of Chrome you're running?

What is the DPI of the monitor you have this problem on? Did you try to test this on a monitor with 100% DPI?

Best regards.

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