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Topic: «How to exclude processes in the configuration » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 64011
Johan Daanje
Posts: 28
Joined: 01/27/2020
Posted: 06/13/2020 15:04:58

I like AWM very much but it ruins a lot of game processes, when i start a game AWM put the Windows desktop back and a lot of games do not like this, even when i exclude the game in the exclude list it AWM keeps on going. Is there a way to fully exclude the game process in AWM?

Johan Daanje
Posts: 28
Joined: 01/27/2020
Posted: 06/13/2020 15:09:38
Maybe AWM can make a update that the program can temporary disable itself when an exclude process is starting.
Without this possibility the whole exclude option in AWM is worthless.
Johan Daanje
Posts: 28
Joined: 01/27/2020
Posted: 06/13/2020 15:40:32
I can pause AWM before the game starts and then the problem does not exists but why is this possibility not in the exclude function.
Johan Daanje
Posts: 28
Joined: 01/27/2020
Posted: 06/14/2020 01:42:56
I got a warning from Bullguard about an attack on my computer by actual tools, cut the crap please.
Johan Daanje
Posts: 28
Joined: 01/27/2020
Posted: 06/14/2020 19:11:00
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/17/2020 07:59:29
Hello, Johan

Thank you for contacting us.

Could you clarify what exactly happens with the games when AWM is running? Do you mean they're minimized?

Does it happen with all games you tried? What games you've noticed the problem with?

I can pause AWM before the game starts and then the problem does not exists but why is this possibility not in the exclude function.
I'm afraid, this may not match the purpose of the Exlusions feature. Exlusions are designed to prevent particular windows from processing by AWM while AWM is running and other windows are processed.

You can exclude the process completely by specifying the process in the Exclusion's Target Window section, in the "Program" field, and disabling other target window parameters as "Caption" and "Class". Also make sure there are no specific settings for the game enabled in the list of Specific Settings in the AWM configuration.

I got a warning from Bullguard about an attack on my computer by actual tools
Apparently, it's a false alarm associated with the way our software works. Could you send us a screenshot of the antivirus report?

Best regards.

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