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Topic: «AWM Desktop Divider tile spanning monitors? , Can desktop dividers be created so that a given tile spans regions on two (or more) monitors? » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 8695
Andrew Peterson
Posts: 8
Joined: 12/22/2019
Posted: 12/23/2019 03:57:36
Win 10 Pro 1806 x64
Actual Desktop Manager 8.14.2

Monitor setup:
- Monitor 1: 3840 x 2160 resolution (i.e. 4K UHD resolution)
- Monitor 2: 3840 x 2160 resolution (i.e. 4K UHD resolution)
- Total Windows desktop area: 7680 x 2160 pixels (i.e. dual 4K UHD resolution)

I have an application (Avid Pro Tools version 2019.10) that I would like to position so that it spans an AWM desktop divider tile of size 5120 x 1440 pixels exactly in the middle of my dual monitor setup. The reason for the tile to span monitors is so that the child windows of PT2019 can be maximised to regions sized approximately 2560 x 1440 pixels (which is approximately 3K resolution) immediately to the left and right of the actual join between monitors.

(For reference, I need this configuration because Pro Tools 2019.10 has an issue where client windows do not display properly in the margins if they are sized to something greater than 3K resolution. This is a bug in PT, not an issue with Windows itself, or with AWM.)

At present I cannot seem to create an AWM desktop divider tile that spans monitors? It appears DWM desktop divider tiles can only be created within a monitor, so as to divide up the desktop area within that monitor alone. Of course I can create more tiles on my other monitor(s), but they are separate tile regions and act as a separate snap region.

To work around this issue, at present I have:
- Created a tile of size 2560x1440 in the top-right of my left-hand monitor
- Created a tile of size 2560x1440 in the top-left of my right-hand monitor
- I can then drag PT2019 by its title bar to snap to e.g. the tile in the left-hand monitor
- And then drag its width to snap to the right-hand border of the tile on my right-hand monitor

However it would be much more convenient if I could create a single tile of size 5120x1440 that spans my monitors, so that I can achieve my result with one drag of the app by its title bar.

Is this possible?

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/24/2019 10:47:42
Hello, Andrew

At present I cannot seem to create an AWM desktop divider tile that spans monitors?
You're right. Unfortunately, for now our programs don't provide such ability. But we'll consider this as a feature request and will post here if the ability is implemented.

The reason for the tile to span monitors is so that the child windows of PT2019 can be maximised to regions sized approximately 2560 x 1440 pixels (which is approximately 3K resolution) immediately to the left and right of the actual join between monitors.
Could you clarify how exactly the size of child windows is limited? Is it limited automatically by the size of the main window AND the monitor borders?

Are the child windows affected by Actual Window Manager? Do you use Actual Window Manager to manage the child windows directly in some way?

Have you also considered using the Restrict Placement feature for the main Pro Tools window (AWM configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings > specific settings for Pro Tools (you'll need to create them if they're not there yet) > Position > Restrict Placement)? Here you can learn about how to create Specific Settings for particular window.
Or you don't need the Pro Tools window to be always in this position and sometimes you need to use different positions and sizes for this window?

Best regards.

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