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Topic: «Actual Window Manager not subclassing Pro Tools or Task Manager windows , PT2019 and Windows 10 Task Manager windows are not working with Desktop Divider and do not display extended window menu (top left) » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 12640
Andrew Peterson
Posts: 8
Joined: 12/22/2019
Posted: 12/22/2019 18:54:40
Windows 10 Pro 1809 x64
Avid Pro Tools version 2019.12

- Windows 10 Pro is running as a VMware ESXi virtual machine on an Intel i9-9900K / 128GB RAM / 1.5TB SSD RAID 5 bare metal host
- The Win 10 Pro machine has ESXi "Latency Sensitivity" enabled, uses PCIe passthrough devices for USB, LAN and GPU, has dedicated access to 6 CPU cores and has dedicated access to 32GB RAM. The VM itself has been working fine for many months.
- The Win 10 Pro machine is accessed over 10GbE / 1GbE network via a HP t630 Thin Client device using Microsoft RDP protocol.
- The HP t630 connects to the Win 10 Pro machine using RDP protocol version 7, and has RemoteFX enabled (GPU acceleration).
- The HP t630 is connected to two Samsung U32J560 4K UHD (3840x2160) monitors, and the RDP session uses both monitors for a total Win 10 desktop area during the RDP session of 7680x2160 pixels.  All of this is working fine at 30Hz refresh rate.

I have installed Actual Window Manager 8.14.2 on the Win 10 Pro VM and rebooted.

I have set up Desktop Divider in AWM with 3 screen regions on each monitor. The divider regions work fine with applications such as Chrome, Notepad, Explorer etc.

However the Desktop Divider feature does not work with Pro Tools main window:
- Dragging title bar of the PT main window does not highlight the divider regions or allow the window to be dragged to a region so that it resizes to it
- The window menu on the PT main window is just the standard window menu, not the extended Actual Window Manager menu.

I have tried to set up a custom configuration to enable the Pro Tools window to be subclassed by AWM, however it still will not subclass even after app restart.

I am also trying to get the standard Win 10 Pro task manager to support transparency, however it is also not being subclassed by AWM.

Can you provide any help or instructions on how to get these apps working with AWM?

Many thanks,
Andrew Peterson
Posts: 8
Joined: 12/22/2019
Posted: 12/23/2019 03:42:00
UPDATE: Reinstalling Actual Windows Manager 8.14.2 with "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option enabled has fixed this issue.

Task Manager on Win 10 Pro 1809 x64 can now be made transaprent, ghosted and set to be always on top using AWM.

Pro Tools 2019.12 can now be correctly snapped to desktop dividers.

Many thanks!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/24/2019 11:05:25
Hello, Andrew

However the Desktop Divider feature does not work with Pro Tools main window
Reinstalling Actual Windows Manager 8.14.2 with "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option enabled has fixed this issue.

I'm glad you were able to solve this problem yourself. Checking if this option was enabled is one of the first things I would asked you to do.

Best regards.

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