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Topic: «[SOLVED] Payment made, no license key received. , Payment made, no license key received. » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 1040
Micah Cerrone
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 07/22/2019
Posted: 07/22/2019 09:19:46
I recently purchased the software but never got sent my license key. I'm assuming it's supposed to come via email. Maybe I don't know where to look?

I got an email fr om PayPro after making the payment, asking me to reply to the email to confirm that the payment was authorized. I did so and nothing happened. This email didn't contain the key. The only other emails I got were from PayPal, as that was my method of payment. Neither of these had a key, nor does the PayPal receipt. This all transpired yesterday, 7/21/19.

Wh ere did you guys receive your keys? Did I do something wrong here?
Micah Cerrone
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 07/22/2019
Posted: 07/22/2019 09:24:20
Well, at least the "restore key" option works perfectly fine. Crisis averted.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/24/2019 10:28:46
Hello, Micah

As I can see, an email containing the registration information has been sent to your email address. Have you received it? Please check whether the email is in the spam folder.

Best regards.

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