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Topic: «LastActiveClick Window Switching? , Looking to be able to switch between windows, even grouped taskbar icons, by clicking the taskbar » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 8349
Alex McB
Registered user
Posts: 4
Joined: 04/17/2019
Posted: 04/17/2019 23:09:10
I really like what AMM has been doing for my workflow, but one thing that I've been stumbling over has been window switching.
I am using a windows 7 pro machine, at the moment, and have always gone in and changed LastActiveClick in the registry to 1, so that clicking taskbar icons could swap windows just like WinXP.
This functionality seems to work for AMM taskbars, except in the case that there are multiple windows grouped into one button.
Am I missing something? Is there an option that I'm not seeing?
Thanks for your help!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/19/2019 05:40:45
Hello, Alex

Thank you for your appreciation of our work.

This functionality seems to work for AMM taskbars, except in the case that there are multiple windows grouped into one button.
Shouldn't the LastActiveClick with value 1 in the registry only provide the ability to bring the last active window of the group? What part of the functionality works for AMM taskbars then?

As for the problem – this problem is known. We'll try to fix it and will post in this topic if it's fixed. But for now I can't give you any time frame for the fix.

Best regards.
Alex McB
Registered user
Posts: 4
Joined: 04/17/2019
Posted: 06/11/2019 22:20:30
Sorry for the delay, having a very hectic couple of months.
LastActiveClick=1 allows infinite window cycling with the Windows native taskbar, so if you have a standalone window, clicking that taskbar button should restore (or bring to front) or minimize that window depending on its current state (which Actual Tools does).
However, if you have a group of 4 windows, clicking that taskbar button should cycle through:
1 (most recent, restore or bring to front), 2 (2nd most recent), 3, 4, 1, 2, 3 etc.
I totally understand that things are under development still, best of luck.
As this is really my only problem with this program, I have to say I'm pretty happy otherwise.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/12/2019 05:37:00

Thank you for getting back after this time.

We hope you enjoy using Actual Multiple Monitors and don't encounter any other problems.

Best regards.

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