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Topic: «ActualMultipleMonitorsConfig not move to monitor at startup? » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 17859
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 12/09/2018 13:01:59

I don't know if this is an issue, but ActualMultipleMonitorsConfig app not move to the monitor at startup, where I have a mouse pointer, still show on the last position.

And I don't have any extra icons next to the cross, minimize and maximize on this config.

Thank you in advance.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/10/2018 14:56:54
Hello, Petr

ActualMultipleMonitorsConfig app not move to the monitor at startup, where I have a mouse pointer, still show on the last position.

And I don't have any extra icons next to the cross, minimize and maximize on this config.

It seems like no settings are applied to the Configuration module (not Default Settings neither Specific Settings). This can happen if 1) default settings are disabled in the configuration module and there are no specific settings for the configuration module created and enabled in the specific settings list (Configuration module > Window Settings > Default Settings/particular Specific Settings) or
2) exclusion is created for the configuration module in the exclusions list and no specific settings for it created and enabled (Configuration module > Window Settings > Exclusions/particular Specific Settings) or
3) you open the configuration module in the "Run as administrator" mode and the "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option was not enabled during the installation of Actual Multiple Monitors.

Let us know if any of these is your case.

Also please tell how you open the configuration module – from the Start Menu or from the AMM tray icon or maybe with the hotkey?

What version of AMM you're running and what version of Windows you're running?

Best regards.
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 12/10/2018 23:27:28
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Hello, Petr

ActualMultipleMonitorsConfig app not move to the monitor at startup, where I have a mouse pointer, still show on the last position.

And I don't have any extra icons next to the cross, minimize and maximize on this config.

It seems like no settings are applied to the Configuration module (not Default Settings neither Specific Settings). This can happen if 1) default settings are disabled in the configuration module and there are no specific settings for the configuration module created and enabled in the specific settings list (Configuration module > Window Settings > Default Settings/particular Specific Settings) or
2) exclusion is created for the configuration module in the exclusions list and no specific settings for it created and enabled (Configuration module > Window Settings > Exclusions/particular Specific Settings) or
3) you open the configuration module in the "Run as administrator" mode and the "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option was not enabled during the installation of Actual Multiple Monitors.

Let us know if any of these is your case.

Also please tell how you open the configuration module – from the Start Menu or from the AMM tray icon or maybe with the hotkey?

What version of AMM you're running and what version of Windows you're running?

Best regards.
Ok after restart PC it works now. So, after fresh install Actual Multiple Monitors users must restart the system for activate this function for Config app. Maybe add checkbox for restart to the installation?

Btw. I open Config app via extend taskbar or hotkey.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/12/2018 12:58:02

I was unable to reproduce the behavior you're talking about.

Do you mean this was completely fresh install and Actual Multiple Monitors hasn't been installed on this system before?

What version you've installed? The latest version 8.13.3?

Have you started Actual Multiple Monitors from the installation window or later manually?

Have you tried to restart Actual Multiple Monitors during this Windows session?

What OS you're running (version, 32- or 64-bit)?

Best regards.
Petr Vlacil
Posts: 110
Joined: 03/09/2014
Posted: 12/12/2018 21:10:17
Bogdan Polishchuk: Yes, fresh install Actual Multiple Monitors 8.13.3 (Steam version) on Windows 7 PRO x64bit.
Yes, I tried restart Actual Multiple Monitors too.
Only solution was restart system.

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