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Topic: «[SOLVED] ThinkorSwim appears on all Actual Virtual Desktops , Multiple switcher windows show same ThinkOrSwim window » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4722
Gary Rosner
Registered user
Posts: 26
Joined: 09/10/2016
Posted: 12/06/2018 10:37:48
I am using AVD 8.13.3. with two virtual desktops. I am also using the most recent edition of the ThinkOrSwim application fr om TD Ameritrade.

After dragging my ThinkorSwim window to a display wh ere I have configured two AVDs, i am seeing the same ThinkorSwim window on both of the AVDs.  I have full access to the ThinkorSwim window from either of the two AVDs.

If i set the program properties for AVD to Run as an Administrator, then everything seems to work correctly.

I'm wondering if this is normal behavior for AVD?

Note that I do not see these issues with other programs such as Notepad, Excel, Chrome, etc.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/08/2018 10:09:00
Hello, Gary

After dragging my ThinkorSwim window to a display wh ere I have configured two AVDs, i am seeing the same ThinkorSwim window on both of the AVDs.
This means the ThinkorSwim window is not processed by AVD when AVD is started not in the "Run as administrator" mode and it's normal behavior for the windows that are not processed.

But the ThinkorSwim is not processed most likely because you start it in the "Run as administrator" mode and the "Support system utilities and administrative tools" option wasn't enabled during the installation of AVD. Try to reinstall AVD and enable this opton during the installation. Let us know if this helps.

Best regards.
Gary Rosner
Registered user
Posts: 26
Joined: 09/10/2016
Posted: 02/01/2019 23:05:42
Thank you Bogdan. Enabling the "Support system utilities and administrative tools" fixes the issue with the same ThinkorSwim window appearing in two Actual Virtual Desktops! :)

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